🔴🔴 Stock Broker Technical Issues | Live Q&A with Nitin Bhatia (HINDI)

Why Most People Fail at Stock Investing

What’s the difference between truly great investors like Peter Lynch and Warren Buffet, to the average investor? It’s no secret that most people who trade stocks ultimately lose money. Why is this the case and how can you avoid making their mistakes?

The Three Fallacies

When it comes to managing trades there are three common policies that many traders follow that may be costing them a lot of money. There are various reasons why many traders follow these rules, and it is very likely that most traders do not realize how badly these policies are affecting their trading results because they probably have never actually compared the results they currently achieve with what would happen if they were to follow a different policy.

Minimising Capital Gains Taxes When Selling Stocks

If you are located in the UK: The answer is simple really here. Instead of buying and selling stock and shares, use financial spread betting to trade. Spread betting is a form of short-term trading that is ideal for taking directional speculative positions on the stock market.

The Net Penny Stock Privileges

Hi Folks, Today I would like to take the time to discuss the reality and importance of becoming a Net penny stocks investor. If you have shown any interest in my prior articles, you would have a good idea of what I’m trying to say here.

What Successful Traders Follow In Every Investment Venture

The mantra of successful investing in the Indian share market is all about how to move forward step by step. The more knowledgeable you are and the more expertise you gain, greater are the chances of experiencing repeat wins, thus getting maximum return on the investment made.

Understanding the Types of Stock Fraud

We all know that stock fraud, also known as securities fraud, deals with deceiving people for money, but there are actually numerous types of stock fraud, all just as equally bad as the next. Bernie Madoff, Martha Stewart, and the fine folks over at Enron are all serving (or served) time for different charges of stock fraud. There are so many forms but we’ll just talk about the ones you tend to hear about on the news all the time.

Bear Put Spreads – Profit From Falling Prices

A bear put spread is a much safer option trading strategy than simply buying put options if your view of the market is bearish. But why is it called by this name? Here’s why.

Covered Call Basics

Many people are under the erroneous belief that all option techniques increase your risk to unacceptable levels. While it is certainly true that many of the more speculative strategies, such as selling naked calls, do add unnecessary risk to your investment portfolio, there are a few, such as selling covered calls, that are widely considered to be one of the safest investment techniques available to the average investor.

National Stock Exchange: All About It

National Stock Exchange is one of the two major platforms for trading of securities in India. It is located in Bombay. It was founded in the year 1992.

The Various Forms Of Stock Market Investing

If you want to acquaint yourself with the basics of investing on stocks, one of the best sites you can visit to get good details on this would be Stock Market Investing Today. Investing takes on different forms in the stock market. Electronic and internet trading are one of the most revolutionary ways that has made the process of investing really easy for people.

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