18500 PUT Writers Created History | Option Chain Indicator

How Important Are Dividends?

Dividends are transfers of cash by the corporation to its owners-portions of a company’s profits paid out to the company’s shareholders. Every company has to decide what to do with its earnings. It can plow them all back into the company to fund growth; make acquisitions; or undertake special projects.

Buy Sell Stocks Online

Online trading can be a nightmare if you choose the wrong broker.

Stock Investing – 25 Pearls of Wisdom for the Individual Investor

Here are 25 Sensible Stock Investing “rules” for individual stock investors. Number one, Remember Buffett’s Rule #1: Don’t lose money…

Predicting Activity After Stock Price Declines

An analysis of how stocks react to large decreases in price of varying degrees. The objective is to determine if there are patterns that can be predicted for investors and traders.

The Best Financial Planners Put You In Long-Term Stuff And Act Like A Security Guard

Most people look for stockbrokers and financial planners who are in on every fast moving stock and make them money on everything that comes along. However that is truly the way to get burned, pay the most in commissions and over time lose all your money. Although it is not popular the truth really is that the Best Financial Planners put you in long-term stuff and act like a Security Guard.

SPX: Completing the Intermediate-Term Uptrend

SPX short-term and intermediate-term forecast.

Procter and Gamble: A Buy or Sell?

Producing the necessities of the bathroom and other everyday items, Procter and Gamble (PG) continues to be an excellent investment in all areas. With marginal competition and loyalty from its workers, PG will provide investors with an excellent opportunity to achieve high capital gains.

General Motors: A Buy or Sell

With the recent decrease in oil prices, you may be eager to get back into the transportation game with the potential of making a decent return in certain equities. One of these specific equities could be General Motors (GM). While may experts are hyping the motion that oil is on its way down for an extended period of time, my views tend to differ which may not make GM as enticing as it is now.

Trading Options – What Are The Basics?

Many people are turning to the stock exchange to make some extra money on their savings, or to even replace their normal income. Options are another tool you can use to trade on the stock exchange, and can be used for normal stocks, futures and indices. If you spend some time learning about how trading options works, it’s possible to make consistent, good returns on your money.

Types of Stock Orders

There are several different types of stock orders that you may place with your broker. Understanding the difference can mean a profit or loss for a trade.

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