6 Stocks in SENSEX from 30 years | Nitin Bhatia

How to Play the News in the Stock Market

We have all been there, I certainly have. I bought a stock I really thought was a winner, like the perfect first date, it looked good, it felt good, it sounded good, it smelled right, and most of all it acted right. Even when it came to paying the bill, she paid.

As the Market Told Us

Hi gang, today is Friday and as expected, the market headed down from the start. We saw the signal last night. Good numbers out of most that reported earnings but just not good enough.

Technical Analysis and the Efficient Markets Theory

Technical analysis predicts the value of a share based upon past earnings. However, just because a share went up in price yesterday doesn’t mean it will increase in price today.

How to Triple Your Earnings in the Stock Market in a Quick Time Frame

Many day traders only follow cheap market behavior and cheaper stocks exclusively. This is because cheaper stocks offer a great deal of more profit potential than greater valued stocks because it takes a great deal less trading influence to affect the price of one of these cheap stocks and send them soaring in value. This article is about a new but quickly growing trend amongst first time and everyday traders and how they are making serious money on cheap or penny stocks in today’s market.

The Golden Rule of Stock Options Trading

Are you one of those individuals who invested everything into the stock market only to lose it a short time later? Do not worry, most people are like this and you are definitely not alone. They invest in the stock market and make some profits in the beginning; but, in the end they still end up losing more than they gained. Why, you may ask? Simply put, trading stocks is a risky endeavor.

Make a Fortune by Investing in Out of Favor Stocks

When a company is out of favor with the market, its’ stock price gets driven way down. It is still a good company and a great value at these very low prices. You can make BIG profits from this type of stock.

Tailwind Stocks – What Are They?

There’s a little known set of stocks on the market known as “Tailwind” stocks. Learn what they are and discover the value hidden inside these special stocks.

Stock Trading – Understanding the Difference Between Trading and Investing

Stock trading versus stock investing… do you know the difference? After reading this article not only will you know the difference but you will also be able to make up your mind which one you want to be.

Hot Penny Stocks – A Good Investment For a New Trader

Hot Penny Stock shares are traded in decimals and usually trade for between.001th of a penny up to $5 on average. What is surprising to new investors is the rate of potential rewards going from 25c to around $20 a tidy investment indeed.

Stock Market Success Using the Top Down Trading Method

Jesse Livermore, who is arguably the greatest stock market trader ever, developed a method or system called “Top Down Trading”. The idea behind this method is to have as many key factors in your favor as possible, before taking a position in the stock market. Learn the secrets to his incredible stock market success.

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