7 Most Successful Swing Trading Setups (Hindi)

Find Good Penny Stocks Quickly – 3 Tips

Penny stocks are one of the best kept secrets of the investment world. Big profits can be made from penny shares but only when the right decisions at the right time and at the right place have been made. It cannot be overemphasized that as much as big profits can be made from microcap stocks, there is also a big risk that comes with its investment. Read on to learn more…

Penny Stocks – A Blessing Or A Curse?

Many investors are taking notice of penny stocks and for good reasons, too. But first, we must agree on the definition that penny stocks are the shares that sell for less than $5 per share and traded over the Pink Sheets and the OTC Bulletin Board. Since penny stocks are also now trading in the Nasdaq to a limited degree, most investors now have greater confidence in these affordable stocks. Read on to learn more…

Learn The Truth About Stock Market Loopholes – Mistakes To Avoid

Every successful stock trader must learn about the stock market. Learn ethical ways of how to hack the stock market. However, if you don’t do it properly you may find yourself frustrated with your lack of results. In this article, I will discuss with you the most common mistakes stock market traders make when learning how to hack the stock market using stock market loopholes.

How To Get Rich With 1% Gain?

Suppose, you have a trading strategy that gives you a 1% gain on your portfolio daily. There are 252 trading days in one year. This 1% gain daily translates into 252% gain annually on your portfolio. If you factor in compounding at 1% average gain daily, this translates into 1,127% profit in one year. If you start with a $10,000 stock portfolio, this means $112,740 in one single year.

Investing With the Magic Formula

How would you like a magic formula to beat the market? A formula that was simple, easy to use, quick to apply, and almost certain to deliver superior returns over time?

Covered Call Calculator

A good covered call calculator will help you answer the question, “Should I roll my position?” for an existing position. When rolling you will want to consider important variables like: the bid/ask spread, time premium remaining, earnings release dates, and ex-dividend dates.

Stock Market and Investment Mantra

The term ‘investment’ is no longer a complexity, especially related to stock market in India. Right from corporates, professionals, homemakers to students, the scope of investing has influenced all. It is no surprise if you find most of the people glued to the television or news portals to have a glimpse of the latest market news once the trading hours start.

About Online Stock Trading

The advent of the internet has brought about a great dynamic change in our lives, business and every sphere of our daily activities like buying and selling online, paying of bills, connecting to with friends and business associate and so on. Stock Traders can also buy and sell stocks online right from their homes without any difficulty, even brokers can easily attend to their customers easily as opposed to the using of phone to answer to customer, they also tend to use this to increase their customer database of those interested in trading stocks online which has reduced the fees and commission that is been paid to the brokers.

Stock Trading – A Best Avenue For You To Gain

Stock trading is one of the fastest growing trading sectors today. You may be a little bit scared about the terms like stock market but in reality the trading can gain you a good deal of money. But how?

Trader’s Born On Dates

Just like Budweiser, traders and investors have born on dates – and you better know yours. I could spend chapters and chapters writing about the differences between traders. Even if you gave 2 traders the exact same courses at the exact same time and asked them to read the same books and exposed them to the same financial media, you’d still get two different significantly traders with two distinct trading styles.

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