India’s GDP Data List of Winners and Losers | 4 New Stocks in F&O Segment

How to Choose Which Penny Shares to Watch

Many people have made a fortune by investing in the stock market. You have probably heard stories about them buying penny shares at very low prices and discovering years later that the shares they bought are now worth a fortune. Was it just luck that helped them pick the shares of a virtually unknown company back then? What was their secret? How did they decide which penny shares to watch?

A Guaranteed Way to Triple Your Investments in 30 Hours Using a Penny Stock Picking Robot

A surefire way to net a huge profit in the stock market is to identify a high probability penny stock before it trends. Well over one third of all investors today are relying on a penny stock picking robot to anticipate the behavior of cheaper stocks to near precise efficiency in today’s volatile stock world.

How to Get the Best Stock Exchange Program

Not every program is as good as the next, and with this explosion in popularity there are more programs on the market than ever. After dealing with this technology myself for five years, these are the top things to look for to get the best stock exchange program of that best.

Can Private Investors Compete With Algorithmic Trading?

In the last ten years, the automated computer-based trading of securities, commonly known as algorithmic-trading or short algo-trading, has become more and more popular. Even today, three quarters of the trading volume in the US is generated by algorithmic trading. There is no way to avoid the conclusion that private investors can hardly compete with the superior technical strength of big financial companies. They can only try to exploit the weak points of algorithmic trading programs in order to be successful on the stock markets.

Dow Jones Today – What Is It and How To Invest

No matter if you’re a novice investor or a seasoned one, you need to know one thing – the Dow Jones today is comprised of 30 stocks of big publicly traded companies, and it is not worth investing in. This article will help you to learn more about Dow Jones today!

3 Reasons to Own Dividend Stocks

One mistake many beginner investor makes is ignoring dividends. Sure, it may seem dividends are only a small part of any stock portfolio – everyone wants to see the price go up, up and up! But smart investors (or those who want to be) listen up: When it comes to long-term investing, dividend stocks have their advantage – after all, when was the last time someone PAID you for owning something?

Just How To Find Hot Penny Stock Picks

There are many investors who always look for the hot penny stock picks. Sometimes you can choose the penny stock according your gut feeling but in most cases you are sure to taste failure instead of success. Picking stocks in particularly penny stocks requires you to understand the fundamentals of the business as well as the market in general.

What Does Your Broker Statement Mean? Not Much

Investors with Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine when it comes to investor protection. Their final account statements rendered worthless by a runaway trustee who is telling investors their account statements are meaningless. SIPC’s interests are aligned with Wall Street and NOT the consumer. It is seeking to protect its members rather than innocent investors. It is time for these issues to be exposed and the truth presented to public. There is no safety net for the American investor. Is SIPC is to prevail, no one’s investments are safe.

Can You Make A Penny Stock Fortune?

Are penny stock fortunes really possible? The answer is yes but it requires discipline to make the high returns in what is considered to be a risky market. Fortunately there is a wealth of information about penny stocks and sophisticated software is available…

Stock Market Tutorial for Beginners

Investing in the stock market can be an exciting thing. This can be like a game, because one day you can invest $1500 and within twenty-four hours make it turn into $2000. If you want to start trading, but you are afraid to do it, don’t worry.

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