NIFTY & BankNIFTY Technical view for 16-AUG-HINDI

Financial Spread Betting – The Only Way is Up For BP?

On 27 April 2010 the UK’s largest oil company released impressive first quarter results; helped by climbing oil prices post-tax profit was $5,598 million compared with $2,387 million for the same quarter in 2009, an increase of some 135%. However, a week prior to this release an explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling rig had started to send crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. BP’s media response to the oil spill was as ineffective as were its initial attempts to stem the flow of oil.

Do Not Trust Penny Stock Emails

When trading penny stocks we need to take great care. Because lots of people think this is a good place to make quick money, it is wide open to spamming.

The Anatomy of an OTC Reverse Merger

In this issue we will break down the seemingly-intimidating and at-times-complicated reverse merger cycle into four (4) basic stages. This will give every investor the opportunity and knowledge to recognize these explosive trends when they appear in the market.

Stock Market Mistakes That Are Costly

It is really quite simple. The reason many traders and investors lose money, or end out with mediocre results in the stock market, is because they make too many mistakes. Learn the secrets to success and eliminate your mistakes.

General Stock Market Direction is Key to Success

There are many reasons why most people are not successful in the stock market. In this article, we are going to talk about the importance of accurately determining the general stock market direction. This is the secret to making a fortune trading the markets.

Stock Trading System – How You Can Profit From Them

Stock Trading Systems contain a set of filters for stocks, a timing system and money management strategies to help stock traders in the market to make effective trade decisions. The timing system gives the general trend in the stock market, and then the filters help in selecting which are the best stocks that are to be traded. At the same time, the money management strategy saves the stock traders from minimizing their losses and the risk while the trade is ongoing.

The Stock Market – Becoming Familiar With the ‘Animals’

Many of us have been to a zoo, enjoying animals we may have never seen in person. For investors, the stock market brings its own set of animal “breeds” to the table, including bulls, bears and more. Though perhaps seemingly unimportant, a serious investor in any market should become familiar and comfortable with common terms used – yes, including animals. Dial in here to get to know the animals of Wall Street.

The Advantages of Following the News in Stock Investing Strategies

When many stockholders think about the current events, they usually think about the famous and large events. Though there is always an advantage in gaining information about these big events, you should also keep yourself abreast about the small events too.

How Dreams Help in Predicting Rise and Fall of Stock Markets

Dreams tell about the slight variation in stock market. Understanding the dream symbols help us from stock market loss.

Understanding Penny Stocks in Bankruptcy

Penny stocks that have announced bankruptcy will drastically fluctuate in price as the bankruptcy process moves on. The price fluctuation results from investors misunderstanding the bankruptcy process more than anything.

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