NIFTY & BankNIFTY Technical view for 05-DEC -HINDI

Speculator – A Person Who Thinks He Or She is an Investor

The majority of investors in the stock market do not realize that they are speculators and think that they are investors. When exposed to investing in a businesslike fashion, they might agree that it makes sense to treat stocks as pieces of businesses and to buy them only when getting a deal, which means purchasing stocks for less than they are worth. In their minds, this kind of approach is logical and makes sense, but what happens in practice is a completely different story.

Risks and Investments – Two Sides of the Same Coin

Do you think shares trading are the safest investment options? Well, if you think risk is not a part of any investment, you are wrong. Any investment, whether it is in business or in stock market trading or mutual funds and other investment products, does have the risk factor associated with it.

Stock Broker – For Best Stock Market Advice and Investment

Money is really hard to come by in this time of recession and therefore it is imperative to take stock of the situation and get some information of the market before taking the crucial decision of investing in the stock market. Take your time to research, study the situation or contact a reputed stock market expert or a firm to provide you insights about the market and help you in deciding upon the company or the shares which can prove to be fruitful and will be a decent investment.

How to Develop a Money Management Strategy For Trading

While the modern trader must develop a number of skills to successfully bring money home from the markets, one of the most important is money management. Obviously, a trading system with a positive expectancy is critical, but without a robust money management strategy our trading accounts are doomed to wither – the losses that come with any trading strategy will eventually overwhelm any profits.

Be Ready to Take Advantage of the Opportunity Brewing in the Markets

Investors have taken on an attitude of sell now and ask questions later. As I write this, the U.S. stock market has only just entered into “correction” territory with the S&P 500 down about 12% from its April 23rd high. It is the ferociousness of this correction which has been notable (-4% in one day), leading me to believe that fear, not fundamentals are driving this market and that this type of negativity has become overblown and overdone

3 Tips For Getting the Best Day Trader Tip Program For Dominating the Stock Market

I’ve found the following tips immensely helpful for picking out the best day trader tip program and hope that you will, too. First, send the owners of a day trader tip program you’re looking at a preliminary email in which you express interest in their program. The point here is that you’re waiting to gauge their response time and quality of their response, if you receive any at all.

Investing in Stocks – Why You Should Learn the Rules Before Playing the Game

Why is it then that most Americans under perform the market? The answer is simple – they never take the time to learn the rules before they play the game. Stock market investing is not a fool proof system.

Is World Around Us Crashing? – Saga of Difficult Times

22 May 2010. Saturday 6.30 AM. Mangalore Airport in Southwest of India. Air India flight from Dubai landed, overshooting the landing zone and crashing to the valley below. The plane broke up in two and erupted into a huge plume of flames, killing 158 passengers including the entire crew.

Know the Risks Involved For Penny Stocks

The world of penny stocks is thought of a place of making profits in a fast manner. But the penny stock market is considered to be a place full of shady operators.

Even Stock Traders Need a Plan – Yes, That Means You Too!

All successful stock traders have a plan. You will find the one thing they all have in common is that they have a great plan they use to approach the markets with. “If you fail to plan then you have planned to fail.”

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