Best Stocks to Trade for Tomorrow with logic 17-Jun Episode 322

The Secret of Odd Strike Price Option

Basically, when someone buys a call option, he holds a right to exercise that option to buy 100 shares of stock at the strike price of that call option. On the other side, the option seller who gets exercised will be obligated to deliver 100 shares at that strike price.

Make Money Investing in Any Stock Market Situation

How do you make money investing in a stock market that falls over 600 Dow points and then gains most of them back all in a matter of minutes, as in early May of 2010? Where do you invest money when uncertainty is running high?

3 Advanced Option Orders That Are Used Frequently

In the simplest term, OCO cancels one order at the moment the other gets filled. It is like going to a restaurant ordering a hamburger and if they don’t have it you take the cheese burger. I rarely hear people use OCO to get in a trade. Most of the time, OCO is used to get out.

Simulated Stock Trading Account – The Benefits and Pitfalls

Over the years I’ve read about many benefits as well as pitfalls, of using a Simulated Stock Trading Account. Of course a lot of this depends on whether or not you will be relying solely on this experience AND potential confidence before entering the markets for real. Personally, I feel the benefits outweigh the pitfalls, at least for me they have. Let’s take a further look:

Top Penny Stocks – How Wealthy Traders Pull Cash Out of the Stock Market

Are you trying to find a way to get the top penny stocks to buy and sell? There are a few ways to do this. Those that find out how are making some serious money. Others take the wrong path and end up losing their savings along with their dreams.

Moving Averages in Stock Trading – How They Work and How They Can Help You Earn Money

Moving averages are being used for stock chart analysis and as indicators since a long time, before there were calculators and computers or complex stock analysis. But still today they stand as one of the most simple, most used and (maybe most) successful tool to position yourself in stocks. If you are interested in stocks, they are the most basic analysis method you need to know. I will give an overview how they work and what makes them successful.

How to Diversify Your Stock Portfolio Properly

Ah yes, we’ve all heard the catchphrases for investing. You know, the ones like “you’ve got to diversify” or “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

The Intricacies of Stock Market Trading

When there are thousands of stocks sold in the NSE market and BSE market, selecting the right stock seems a difficult task. Not all traders are equipped with knowledge about stock market trading.

Greek Crisis – Indian Markets

The Euro insecurity has managed to wreck havoc on global markets. The Sensex and Nifty both lost 4.5% and 5% to fall considerably under the glorified 17k benchmark.

Setting Yourself Up For Investment Success

Everyone who wishes to invest may think it can be a matter of merely picking up the phone right now and telling a broker to buy a thousand shares of a certain company and they will see all the millions come rolling in. While that may have happened occasionally in the past, there is no guarantee of it happening to you. It will be very hard to invest in anything if your present financial situation is very poor.

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