Only 1 out of 5 Stocks is at ATH | Weekly Vani | Nitin Bhatia

What to Look For in a Stock Market Trading System

There are probably more stock market trading systems than you could shake a stick at. And this is both good and bad for the new investor. For starters you have a wide choice of options to go for – but you also need some way of figuring out which one is going to be best for you.

Stock Investing Tips – Buying Slowly Into a Stock Investment

It is difficult, if not impossible to time the market. When buying into any stock investment, one should buy in slowly and keep reserve cash so that if the stock continues to drop in price, you have the cash to average down on your stock investment.

Why Cheap Penny Stocks Are the Way to Go

A lot of stock traders are looking for cheap penny stocks. I can certainly understand why. I think you’d be very hard pressed to find another investment that provides the kind of leverage and ease of entry for the “Average Joe” investor.

Common Strategies of Great Investors

Long-term investment philosophy has been one of the significant contributors for the success of many of the investors across world. Many the successful investors did believe in investing money to get long-term benefits in the stock market.

Entering and Exiting Options Trade

As the option trading depends on the value of underlying asset, a small change in the option price would give greater results on returns. The bid is the highest price a trader willing to pay to buy an option whereas the ask is the price a trader accepts to buy an option.

How are Options Priced?

Investor would analyze how the options are priced before buying or selling an option within a particular time period. Investor would understand what factors would affect option’s price in selecting an option.

How to Buy Stocks at Half Prices Or Lower!

There is so much written against the idea of selling naked options, however, can be opposed based on certain facts. Most brokerage companies discourage the idea of selling naked options.

How to Make Millions in the Stock Market

Making money in stock markets is not new; however, making any money consistently in stock market is a tough one. It requires good knowledge of trading in stocks. It also requires skills when to enter and when to exit from the market.

How to Make Money Both Ways Whether Stocks Go Up Or Down!

By selling a covered call is most useful when the market is extremely volatile and if you are expecting a big movement in stock in either direction. When selling a call option you contract the delivery of stock owned at a price (strike price) for a specific amount of time (option month).

How to Make Money If the Stocks Don’t Move Much Either Way!

We sometime see markets close flat. This doesn’t give opportunity to take new positions or exit from the existing positions.

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