Secret Reason 🤫 Why Tata Power is Up 18%

How Tech Growth Will Lead to Big Profits

Tech growth has been drastic nowadays. It has paved its way for economic development. It is inevitable that technology has gone a long journey but seemingly earning success through different aspects of financial activities.

Investing in the Right Tech Companies

Technology stocks are very fickle when it comes to investors earning large profits from them. One day, you’re soaring high in the air, and then the next day, you’re buried more than 6ft. deep. Investing on the right tech companies can, however ensure your high status on tech stocks. Just like those bestselling tech companies, you should know how to take risks. All businessmen know that in investing stocks, risk is the key word to take in mind.

Why Do Stock Prices Vary?

Haven’t you noticed that as we go online, and look for the stock price of a specific company, the prices continue to vary? Within a day, the price of stocks may go up and down for several times. And in fact, even after the trading period, the time one is allowed to trade the stocks, the prices still vary.

Where Does Stock Trading Happen?

As we all know, owning stocks means you have a claim on the assets and earnings of the company. It also means that as the company grows, your money grows. However, when the market is on the downturn, the value of your stocks depreciates as the company performs badly. Due to the economic cycle of up and down, your money is always at risk thus you should always be ready to buy and sell whenever a great opportunity occurs. But, where are we going to trade our stocks?

Making a Small Investment Work – The Power of Compounding

Many haven’t still realized how a small investment could lead to a big amount of money over time. Well, it is thanks to compounding which allows for that to happen. Even Albert Einstein was amazed by compounding and has referred to it as “the greatest mathematical discovery of all time”.

“Must Knows” For Safe Investing

During the global recession of 2008 and 2009 where many businesses have closed and a lot of investors have panicked, there are still a few others who chose to remain calm and continue doing what they are good at – investing. Find out how these handfuls of investors manage to be afloat during the recent years of economic downturn.

Investing Money in Stocks

Who doesn’t want to be as rich as Warren Buffet or maybe have a chance to be included in a local Millionaire’s Club? Who doesn’t aspire to achieve the accomplishments of those who belong to the elite list of Forbes’ Richest People? Well, many of us want that.

Getting to Know the Different Investment Types

Due to the different success stories of many investors, investing now became a common topic during break periods and on the streets. Though more and more are being hooked into investing, many are still clueless on how they would start and where they would invest their money. Thus, let us explore the different types of investment available in the market.

Can Penny Stocks Make You Rich?

The greatest challenge in investing this sort of stock is determining which ones are worth the investment. Going by standards set by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), any stock under $5 is a penny stock. However, definitions can vary and in some cases the cut-off point is at $3, and there are others that consider $1 the cut-off point.

The Run Down on Tech Stocks

In an ever-changing world, with the advent of the internet, civilization has come to a point where the introduction of new ideas and technologies move faster than one could ever imagine. Gone are the days when people had to wait for days, weeks, and even months on end to receive the latest news back home in what we call “posted letters.” Who would ever think that computer chips, telecommunication devices and other electronic components can finally make their way to the ordinary household?

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