Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 19-Oct Episode 396

Could You Make Money Winning 80% of Your Trades?

What does it take to win 80% of your trades? Is it even possible? Not only is it possible, I do it every month!

Learn How to Sell Time

Imagine if you could sell time? How is it possible? Well, when you sell stock options that is exactly what you are doing.

How Does the Stock Market Work?

Understanding the stock market can be pretty daunting for a beginner. But to understand it’s workings you must try and understand the mechanics behind the stock market. So how does the stock market work?

How Investing in the Tech Market Could Make You a Pretty Penny

Experienced investors are bullish on the returns of investing in the tech market, and there are lots of reasons why. Even though we have seen some amazing technology over the past few years, many portfolio managers that specialize in tech stocks believe that consumers haven’t seen the best yet.

Is a Tech Buy Recommended? You Bet!

Even with the U.S. economy’s growth going too slow for comfort, market analysts are saying that a tech buy would be a good idea for investors right about now. It is an interesting concept to see the Wall Street boys hedging their bets on pronouncing the economy as stable. They say that we are now only seeing a tentative recovery, and that the United States could still be facing a double-dip into recession once again.

Why Fundamental Analysis For Stocks is Must?

Many investors and traders when they hear the words fundamental analysis start sweating and get anxious. Fundamental analysis need not worry you, if you know how to keep it simple. Follow the K.I.S.S principle when doing fundamental analysis. You don’t need to do an MBA from Harvard or Stanford to master fundamental analysis.

Learning All About Stocks

Working for more than eight hours a day is too tiring especially after knowing that the amount you are receiving is not enough to achieve your financial freedom. As a result, most of us opt to look for another job, but we can’t work forever. There will come a time that we will be sick and our body will be too exhausted to work anymore. Then most of our saving will be spent for medications and still wondering when we will attain the financial freedom that we are dreaming of.

What Are Stock Options and Futures?

There are major differences between stock options and Futures. However, because these are the most widely used hedging instruments many investors mistakenly believe they are the same thing. Both Futures and Options are important on their own because they serve different needs in the capital market. Therefore, a well diversified portfolio will include both.

The NASDAQ Basics

Anyone interested in stocks will definitely want to learn about NASDAQ (National Association Of Securities Dealers And Automated Quotations). Within this association the stocks being traded in the stock market are sent to the dealers in an automated manner. This enables dealers to use real time quotes to make buying and or selling decisions. This type of trading is done online, which means there is no physical trading done on the exchange floor.

Stock Markets Explained

When the term ‘stock market’ is heard, many people immediately think of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), however, there are other markets. American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) may not be as well known, but they are certainly major markets.

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