17300 Call Writers made HUGE Profit | Option Chain Indicator

Stock Market Investing – Long-Term Or Short-Term?

To buy and hold stocks for the long-term has been the preferred approach to stock market investing for many decades. However, in a volatile stock market this approach can be very expensive in terms of risk vs. return on investment. The long-term holder may not be taking the wisest course after all.

How to Create an Investment Portfolio

If you save from your earnings, the earning will save you. This is the simple truth of life in the present times, where the impact of materialistic civilization is being felt at every stage of life.

Forecasting the Stock Market

Those who promise you the moon within six months, by trying to convince that such and such share will double, are available in ample numbers in the share market. The reality is no one knows the future trends of the market.

How to Determine When to Sell Stocks

Well-researched calculations and commonsense approach make a reasonably perfect sell of a share. Buy low and sell high is the golden rule of the exchange. But how to apply it practically is the moot question.

Winning at Stock Trading

Stand apart from the crowd and do investing as per your own inclinations; do what other doesn’t do! In share market, what you do is not important; everybody does that– pump in capital with the idea to make quick profits!

Strategies For Selling Stocks

In share exchange, a good strategy is making the impossible, possible! In this trade, some make constant profits and others suffer losses on account of the application of correct or incorrect strategies respectively.

Good Trades Vs Good Results

What is it that constitutes a “good trade?” Is it a profitable trade? Is it one that works quickly and provides you with a gain? We are here to make money, so those are definitely good! However there is more to good trading than just the results.

A Six Figure Income is Within Your Reach!

Financial Advisers play a vital and important role in our lives and deserve the six figure incomes they earn. If you would like to know how you can earn a six figure income yourself, read on.

GE’s Candlestick Fingerprint Foretold the Rally First

On Friday, March 6, 2009, the Dow Industrials Index left in its wake a “High-Wave Spinning Top” Candlestick bar after a long downtrend, the fact of which we broadcast the same evening as a warning of a possible trend reversal. On the same day, the S&P 500 and 100 formed “High-Wave Doji” patterns which, if anything, are even more cogent warnings of trend reversal.

Bear Market Will Resume

If you have been watching the mainstream media, you have no doubt heard Wall Street’s new buzz phrase, “green shoots,” and we expect you will hear a great deal about these little economic sprouts over the next several months. What we are reading on page 1 of all the major newspapers and hearing on all the mass media broadcasts is that there are early signs that the current recession is easing in the United States. These little promises of life are called green shoots.

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