Simple Strategy πŸ”₯ For Investors

Dow Over 8,000 – Is 10,000 in Sight?

Β The Dow ended the week at 8,017.59 as it continues its climb now over 1,500 points from its low reached only weeks ago.Β  Like a snowball rolling downhill the bad news created avalanche that decimated the markets.

Stocks Move, Options Move Faster

Options are powerful investment tools. They allow you to profit from rising stocks or from falling stocks by an incredible amount if you are right, but they also come with the risk of having you lose an incredible amount if you are wrong.

Golden Rules For Stock Market Trading

You may be a brilliant analyst; a perfect statistician; an economist with proven credits; a master planner appreciated in your circle. But when you enter the stock market, do so with a level head.

How to Be a Stock-Star

To be a star performer in share market, you need to be a fine all-rounder. One has to be an expert in theories of the trade, and versatile in their applications. Performance of a share depends on many factors.

Is it Possible to Create an Unfailing Portfolio For Stocks?

Stocks are volatile, but history tells us that they return more than any other form of investment. To create an unfailing portfolio for shares, you need to have specific goals in mind for the next 3-5 years.

Stock Investing – Two Ways Investors Go About it & How to Beat Them

There are two basic approaches to stock investing, the fundamental and the technical. Here’s a down-to-earth comparison of the two, plus some tips on how to invest in stocks. How do experienced stock investors make buy and sell decisions? How can you do even better? Read on.

Out of the Money Stock Options Vs In the Money Stock Options

Option trading is a great way to increase your potential returns in the stock market. But even with options there is room for risky traders and less risky traders.

Stock Options and Risk Management

Stock options allow you to make huge returns in the market. When they are winning it is easy to get carried away with them and risk too much, but if you are going to survive as a trader you must make risk management your number 1 concern.

How to Make Money on the Stock Market

Despite what people may think, now is the best time to make serious money on the stock markets. Your probably thinking, ‘You’d have to be crazy to invest money in the stock market in a recession!’ Well let me tell you there’s a whole lot of money out there to be made, all you need to know is where to look.

How to Have Success at Stock Picking – The Key Ingredient is Calculating the EPS of a Company!

Stock investments and stock picking can be a tricky thing to do. When analyzing which stocks are the best to invest in, be sure to look at the EPS. It stands for Earnings per Share. And it is the part of a Company’s profits allocated to each share of outstanding stock.

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