Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 10-Mar | Episode 482

Buy Stock: Best Way to Trade to Your Future

So you have decided you want to buy stock, but now how do you go about doing? There many ways to try to buy stock, but really only one way that makes sense for the average investor.

Proshares ETFs – What is So Special About Proshares Exchange Traded Funds?

Interested in maximizing your profits and limiting your losses using proshares leveraged ETFs? Read on to find out how you can achieve your investment objectives.

Day Trading Robot Review – Best Stock Trading Robot?

This is my review of day trading robot. If you are a stock trader and you want to change your method of trading, then you should check out this.

Your Own Managed Account

There is a huge amount of investing sites and service providers out there…and they vary as to who are they geared towards? Some are tailor made exactly for the individual. Rarely are they one size fits all for everyone.

How to Spot an Exit Point

Exiting the trade need swift and one time action. These are four techniques below are very simple but having value whenever the market trade against your trading plan.

Using MetaStock’s Alert Function

MetaStock’s Alert function can be very powerful, if you know how to use it correctly. It’s used in conjunction with other functions to extend a signal for a specified number of periods. In other words, it holds an Metastock formula as true for as long as we wish. Now think about the alert function with gates and triggers in mind. Using this function we can hold a gate open for a specific period while waiting for a confirming trigger. This provides a vital ingredient to creating a fully automated system.

Basic Stock Investment Rules Every Successful Investor Should Know

The style of functioning of the share market can not be compressed within the set of fixed rules, but certain broad indications can be given for a disciplined trade. The stock market history if full of twists and turns that baffle the investors and brokers who are supposed to have professional knowledge of investing.

NASDAQ and OTCBB – What is the OTCBB Market and How is it Related to NASDAQ?

The OTCBB or OTC Bulletin Board is a quotation service offered by National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) that provides real-time quotes, volume information and last selling prices for OTC or over-the counter stocks. These securities or equities do not usually meet the listing requirements of larger exchanges such as the NASDAQ, NYSE etc. The brokers or agencies that use this service to determine prices for OTC equities. Read on to find out more …

Limiting Losses in the Stock Market

It is amazing that everyone talks about getting the huge returns in the market, but not many people focus on protecting yourself from taking huge losses which is the most important part of trading. Think about it if you buy a stock at $30 and it falls and crashes to $10 you have just lost 66% of your account. Ok I know that everyone says to be diversified, so you probably will not put all of your account into 1 stock.

Understanding Stock Quotes

New to the Stock Market? Let me Teach you the Basics! If you are brand new to the stock market, I am here to help answer the most basic questions, as years ago I was in your position! I had a bundle of cash, I wasn’t satisfied making 4% in a CD account, I mean who really is? The 4% is basically equivalent to you making nothing after you factor in inflation.

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