Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 29-Apr | Episode 506

Market Mechanics

Cycles have been repeating from the beginning of time. The use of our clock is a cycle. There are sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour, two twelve hour cycles or twenty four hours in a day.

To Be, or Not To Be

Many traders and investors are asking if the bear market has ended? Are lows in, and if so is the new bull market underway? Will we make new all time highs this year? The answer to all of these questions is a simple NO!

Analysts Know What They’re Doing

Stock prices are affected by many things, such as earnings and potential, sales outlook, competition and the quality of management. Nevertheless, one soon learns that the way stocks behave is inexplicable. That behavior makes one wonder, “Are the regulators doing their job?”

Who’s Really Watching the Stock Market?

The Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Treasury are not doing enough to protect the growing number of sheep-like investors from the growing number of financial wolves. “Big money interests” are playing the market like an accordion.

How To Make Money by Trading Shares

It’s easy to make money on the stock market; it is all about trading shares for more than what you initially paid for them, right? Well, this may be true, but there is a lot you have to know and learn before you can properly capitalize on opportunities that will allow you to follow this relatively simple goal.

How To Make a Living From Stock Trading

Let’s face it: stock trading is not always an easy way to make money. However, for those that have gained the knowledge necessary and put in the time to be successful, it is possible to make a lot of money on the stock market. For those that would like to learn how to make a living from stock trading, there are several important things that must be kept in mind or understood.

How to Trade Stocks – A Beginner’s Guide

Beginner stock trading is a harrowing proposition for some investors. There are so many misconceptions and stereotypes about the stock market that even starting an account with a stock broker can be a very intimidating experience.

How to Start Stock Market Trading – Tips, Tricks, & Requirements

While it is dangerous to attempt to oversimplify the complex world of stock market trading, it is still good to know the simple methods and norms that you will see during your experiences as a trader. The tips, tricks and requirements needed to learn how to start stock market trading are extremely important to learn and recognize.

What Poker Can Teach Us About the Stock Market

Poker is really a miniature stock market on so many levels. You can apply much of what you learn from one to the other.

A Guide to Stock Market Depressions

The idea of stock trading during depression is widely misunderstood by investors and non-investors alike. There are a lot of misconceptions about when it is a good time to invest (or not invest), what you should do during an economic downturn, and even what a “depression” is. With this guide to stock market depressions, you will hopefully end up being better equipped to know what to do in an unfortunate economic situation to make sure that your own fortunes make a turn for the better.

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