Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 17-May | Episode 518

Candlesticks Alone Are Only Half the Story

Japanese Candlesticks are adept at spotting major reversals of trend. However, as a tool, they are incomplete. Their effectiveness is enhanced by folding into the analysis the use of various indicators and, in particular, the study of the waves between the indicators.

Share Trading – The Best Way to Earn From Your Shares

The bourse might be smart place to throw your extra dollars and make some more quick bucks. Experts in share trading and stock market issues advice that; you ‘invest with the trend’ and if you don’t, your resources will be lost on useless stock. Do not anticipate making lots of cash from an IPO by selling your twenty thousand shares. You won’t believe that after the IPO those twenty thousand shares you sold rapidly gains value and in just two months, the value of the stock is four times the price you sold them to venrture into the IPO!!

Let Other People Pay Your Bills For You

So you are looking to do something new. You are tired of the nine to five life, and want something that is going to make you big time money fast. You realized that at this point in your life you have to make a change. The first thing, you have to do is decide what you want to do . If you are looking to be a solo entrepreneur than, why not become a stockbroker? Stockbrokers have the perfect job, they get paid for making bets with other people’s money.

Why is Understanding the Stock Market So Hard?

First on the list of recommended preparatory tasks is to obtain a book which covers the Dow theory. This isn’t lightweight reading, but will surely serve to make you a smarter investor. Just as history repeats itself, stock market trends do too.

Market Recap For July 28th 2008

I stated last week that we would most likely see a short-term reprieve in the major market stalwarts and that is indeed what occurred. During the prior week the market was able to reap exceptional gains, but unfortunately the Dow (DIA) and S&P (SPY) were not able to build upon last week’s advance.

Investing – How Not to Lose Your Money in This Global Financial Crisis

A lot of investors loose their money for different reasons but to stay on top of the market you have to be a knowledge investor. The question you will ask me is that who is a knowledge investor? A knowledge investor is someone who understands the stock market. He is willing to read books and articles on investment, he goes for investment seminars at least twice in a year, he takes into consideration the news and the events particular to the stock exchange. The reason investors lose their money could be as follows

Reversals and Conversions – Risk-Free Stock Options Trading Strategies

There are several options trading strategies which are mathematically guaranteed to always turn a profit. When I was a market maker trading on the floor of the CBOE, much of my time was taken up in an effort to establish positions that always made money, no matter where the stock price went.

Penny Stock – 3 Important Strategies to Consider

For you to decide the best time to buy a stock during this global economy crisis’s you have to have a plan in mind. And I will like to categories this plan to into 3 important investment objective which are short term investment objective, medium term investment objective and long term investment objective.

Is Your Stock Analyst Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

“I think we’ve seen a bottom” If I had a nickel for every time I have heard an analyst say that over the past year, I would have all of my money back from the losses I have from listening to them in the first place. Just kidding, I never listen to these guys.

Investing – Characteristics of Dead Stock

From the headline, the first question you will ask me is what is a dead stock? Somebody can say that a dead stock is a stock in which nobody is trading on the floor of the exchange. This can be true to some extent. Another definition of dead stock I like is dead stock are dead companies and dead investment.

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