#rich attitude

Stock Market Investing Advice – Are Your Stock Picks Winners?

In a recent Market Watch article, Jane Bryant Quinn asks…”what about the financial planners who advise pre- and newly post-retirement clients to hold a substantial portfolio stocks? Are there flaws in that asset allocation? Continue reading for more Stock Market Investing Advice.

Stock Market Investing Advice – Three Things You Need to Know Before You Invest

Many of you may be sick of watching the market see-saw on a daily basis and want to keep your money safe. There are many different investment vehicles out there, and in turbulent times like now, you’re better safe than sorry. If you want to earn the most interest with the least amount of risk you should consider a CD.

Purchase Penny Stock to Build a Stronger Portfolio

Ask any professional portfolio manager what the key is to a strong investment strategy and they will tell you diversification. You never want to have a portfolio that is completely tied up in one mutual fund, one stock or even one industry. When you buy penny stocks, you can diversify your portfolio for just that: pennies!

Stock Market Investing Advice – Did You Get Bad Advice From Your Advisor?

In light of recent economic tribulations, the credit markets, low consumer confidence and a volatile stock market, we are not far from a Great Depression in 2008-09. Recent financial news can make a grown man cry. Is the economy’s theme for 2009 “Every man for himself?”

Finding Reliable Penny Stock Research Online

Ask any seasoned investor what the key is to making smart investment choices and, without hesitation, they will tell you research. Sure, it can be fun to play a hunch or a hot stock tip from your cousin’s best friend’s brother, but if you base your entire investment strategy on the tip of the day, you’ll soon find that you have very little in the way of money left to invest. If you have decided to dabble in the world of penny stocks and you have been searching high and low for reliable research on which penny stocks to watch, …

Stock Message Boards – Scams That Thrive

The stock message boards of today are cess pools for online criminals known as paid promoter’s who pump stocks on these boards to line their pockets with your hard earned money. How they do it? it’s simple if you know how it works.

Screening For and Investing in Stocks That Are Undervalued in a Bad Market (Like We Have Now)

Many people right now are frantic with the market and its volatility. What they do not understand is that through the history of crises in the economy, they almost always eventually pass, and there are many companies that are undervalued in the process. If we buy undervalued companies that have been speculated too low due to market conditions that will not last, then we will make money.

Is Stock Options Trading Risky?

Since most people have not made the effort to understand stock options, they quickly conclude that the risk level is too high for them. I have seven actual stock option portfolios for you to watch, and mirror if you wish.

Online Stock Investment Tools – 3 Things to Consider

The Internet is always shoving opportunity in our faces, especially online investment firms looking for new investors. This can make online investing quite the daunting task when it really doesn’t need to be. It’s just that there is so much information and options out there that anyone can easily get off track.

Investing – Judging Your Risk Tolerance

An investment is a risk and you have to determine how much of a risk you’re willing to take. Are you a risk taker who is willing to risk large sums of money in order to earn even more? Are you a person who is not much of a risk taker? Those who are not big risk takers are those individuals who tend to invest in safer stocks that do not gain as quickly as those high risk stocks. Nevertheless, they may not experience the losses that risk takers have the potential to experience.

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