1 million special video coming soon!

Comparing Short & Long Term Investments

Investment can be grouped into two major types which are; short term investments and long term investments. Both types of investments hold their merits and demerits which basically revolve around individual needs and expectations.

Trader Vs Investor

A lot of people who buys stocks think that they are investors. Well, to some degree, some aren’t. There is a very clear line distinguishing a trader from an investor. By knowing where you stand, you have a better chance of making more profits from what you do.

The Economic Crisis – Lessons to Be Learned and the Outlook For the Future

Let’s first agree on a couple of things. Neither you or I know where the bottom of the stock market lies. Your broker doesn’t have a clue and our newly elected President wishes this current economic crisis would just go away.

Is This the Bottom?

So far each rally has been met by selling pressure. Last week the markets managed to continue their move up – is this the one? When we look for a bottom we review a number of indicators. We have certainly seen some positive indicators. One of those indicators is the TED spread, which is the difference between three-month LIBOR (the London Inter Bank Offered Rate which is in euro dollars, also called The Euro Dollar Spread, thus TED) and three-month US Treasury bills.

Stock Market Trading For Newbies – Top 5 Tips on How Ordinary People Can Start Earning Millions

Trade the right way, and entering the stock market will doubtless be the best and most profitable investment you will ever make. Even into the millions. But trade stocks the wrong way, and you will simply be giving your hard earned cash away. Read on to see the right way to trade, top 5 must know tips for new comers, and deadly traps to watch out for.

Understanding Growth and Income Invesments

A growth investor focuses more of his attention on the future prospects of a company. Unlike value investors, he can buy into a company that is trading above its fair value, but has the potentials for growth. These companies grow faster than others in their category, this is where the growth investor focuses while investing, and not on the current book value. Young companies fall under this umbrella. Their argument is that as the company is growing in revenues, it will directly translate into the growth of the share price of the stocks.

How Does the Stock Market Work – The Stock Market For Beginners

How does the stock market work? How do investors use the stock trading to increase their wealth? Let’s have a quick look at the fundamentals behind the stock market and then you will never again have to ask how does the stock market work.

Simple Steps On How To Double Your Stocks And Recover From The Meltdown

The world over people invest a large chunk of their savings in shares and the stock markets. There are excellent reasons and terrific reasons for doing so.

Guppies and DRIP’s

Dividend reinvestment plans should be considered for the long term investor of stocks. Shares are purchased automatically by retaining the dividends. Share price declines allow for bigger purchases and help to cushion the blow of down markets.

Penny Stock Companies to Watch

With the stock market at levels not seen in years, the time for investing is now, but if you are like one of the millions of Americans who have never invested before, it can be a bit confusing figuring out where to start. The world of investing is very jargon-heavy and the risk involved with investing can scare off some people. A great place to get your feet wet with investing is with penny stocks.

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