Market is Confusing Retail Trader

Wall Street – October Stock Market Collapse

So here we sit on November 1st, 2008, having lived through one of the worst stock market collapses in history and definitely the biggest Wall Street bailout in the history of the financial system. Will the Governments $700 billion bailout work? No one expected what was about to come.

Find Penny Stocks Ready to Soar

In this article I will give you some tips to show you how to find penny stocks ready to soar. There are strategies and resources that will greatly increase your success rate.

Find a Penny Stocks Service to Increase Your Profits

The best part about penny stocks is that you can make a lot of money in short periods of time. However, there is a lot of risk involved with these types of stocks. If you aren’t properly researching and looking for trends then you are basically gambling on this type of stock.

What Should Investors Do in This Market? Should They Stay Away From the Market?

Markets are confronting an uphill battle against the bears across the world. Recession fear haunting in the minds of the investors and it is demising the confidence of the investors. Thousands of investors are juggling with financial problems and some of them (literally) already on the road. Financial crisis has penetrated the developing world i.e. America to Asia and Africa. Investors need to ponder over their investment strategies and must react promptly in the bear markets. All major indices across the world fell badly in the recent past. Stock markets have given up all gains, earned last year. Hence, what should an investor do? Should they stay away from the market?

Volatility and Options Trading

If you want to make money as a trader, you need movement and you need it now. The more the merrier. Most people associate volatility with their high school football coach. Others view it as something to be avoided. And a few-mainly option and commodity traders- see volatility as opportunity.

Trading Stock Options Against the Trend

When you first realize it hits like a ton of bricks. So simple yet so true. About 80% of stocks follow the trend. We all know the “the trend is our friend”. Can you smell a contrarian in the wood pile? Well, if 80% of stocks move with the trend that must mean that only about 20% of stocks or options will move against the trend on a normal day. There must be a way to use those favorable odds. And with options, there is.

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas?

The Conference Board announced the October reading fell to 38, well below the expected number of 52, and one of the lowest, if not the lowest reading since this number has been reported. I was listening to a talking head on the radio who said that it is not what the consumer says, but what they do. These can sometimes be different. They are now unfortunately the same.

Leading Penny Stock Investments – How to Find Them

This article is a guide to find the leading penny stock investments. It is easier than you might think.

Best Stock

As a stock broker, I am asked about investing secrets on an almost daily basis. One of the most frequent questions that I hear is which stock is the best one to buy. Everyone has seen a movie, read a book, or heard a story where the hero made it big overnight because of a few shrewd investments. This does happen from time to time, but it is by no means a sure thing. Even the best stocks can fail, and you never know when your luck might turn against you. If you are trying to be an investor, don’t worry about finding the one best stock. Instead, build up a diverse portfolio.

The Real Secret of Options Trading

Is Options Trading Invincible? Why has options trading been popularized as the sure win solution to getting rich quick? What is its real secret?

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