Best Stocks to Trade for Tomorrow with logic 06-May Episode 294

Think European When Trading Spreads in the Stock Market

You’ll be ahead of the game when you learn how to use European style options when you enter non-directional trades. This is especially important if you prefer trading iron condors.

Why Should You Understand the Importance of the Best Stock Trading Software?

If you want to make money in the stock market, you should understand the fact that investing in stocks is a risky business and that you’re ready to bear losses. You should rely on best stock trading software that will help you play this risky game in a wise manner.

Warren Buffett’s Investment Secrets for an Ordinary Investor

Warren Buffett is viewed as one of the most successful investors in history. He is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway. His investment philosophies and principles can be adapted even by ordinary investors to safeguard their investments and generate decent return on their investments.

Setting Yourself Up for the Long Term in Stock Market Investment

Discover how to stay in the game for the long term and actually turn a profit. Simple tips for the beginner.

The Truth About the Interest Rate Hike

Weak economic growth promises to delay an interest rate hike, sending investors looking for high-yield stocks. But should you jump on the bandwagon?

5 Rules for Profitable Stock Trading

Stock trading is one of the few businesses in which you can double your money, lose money or run into colossal debts with a trading decision. Every stock trader loses money on some trades, but the fact that sets successful stock traders apart is that they have more winning trades than losing trades.

The 2008 Nigerian Stock Market Meltdown: Why Retail Investors Lost Money

It is seven years after the stock market meltdown in Nigeria and a major concern has been that a majority of Nigerians are yet to fully return to the market. Analysis shows that market participation since the stock market began to recover is 60 per cent foreign portfolio investors and 40 per cent domestic investors. In some periods, the ratio is as much as 80:20. In spite of the efforts of regulators and other stakeholders to attract retail investment into the Nigerian capital market, the experiences of the melt down have made so many people reluctant to consider investing in the stock market. In this article, the author attempts to identify the reasons people lost money during the period and recommend how to approach the market in this period of recovery.

What Is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

It occurred to me today that one of the most frequent questions I get is “What is the DJIA?” So I thought in order to be proactive, I would do my best to explain what it is. Both the DJIA and S&P 500 are market indexes.

Why Stock Trading Systems Are Gaining Enormous Popularity

Many people have been investing a considerable amount of money in stocks to earn an extra income. You must know about the stock trading systems and the current market trend before making any investment.

When You Buy A Stock, Plan on Being Wrong

In order to avoid significant loss, investors must plan their exit strategy in advance. What will they do if they are wrong? How do you define being wrong? The investor must have clarity about when or under what conditions the stock will be sold and where the stop loss will be placed. Most people prepare much more for buying than for selling. They think more about the benefit than about the possible loss. Prepare to avoid the loss.

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