Best Stocks to Trade for Tomorrow with logic 26-Apr Episode 288

Which Type Of Stock Trading Fits You Best

Depending on your personality and the size of your investment account, trading the stock market can be an exhilarating and sometimes a depressing experience. You need to know this before becoming a stock trader because if you tend to become easily depressed (especially over money matters) stock market investing may not be your cup of tea. Either way, the first thing you need to do is determine how much money you will place in your account and accept the fact that you could lose all of it.

How to Buy a Bitcoin

There is no doubt in the fact that bitcoin trading is slowly taking the world of trading by storm. There is some hype, which says that bitcoin trading can be dangerous and difficult but honestly, it is a lot easier to get bitcoins, even easier than you think it is.

Make Money Regardless Of Market Direction

When it comes to trading the way I do direction hardly matters. Down is OK, up is always better, sideways is the best revenge. Learn how to put the odds on your favor and start your investments in the black.

Trading Momentum Monsters For Profit

This is your opportunity to learn a trading technique that works more often than not. And you don’t need a large trading account to use it! Momentum trading is a strategy where a professional trader, using a properly programed stock scanner, recognizes an opportunity to make profits off the continuation of favorable existing trends in the market regarding a particular stock. If the potential gains are large enough, it is referred to as a “momentum monster”.

The Case for Emerging Market Stocks

Emerging market stocks have lagged the strong U.S. stock market over the past several years, and now trade at an unusually large discount to U.S. stocks. We believe the outlook for the returns on these stocks over the next 10 years is strong.

The Number One Factor of Becoming a Successful Trader

This article is about the number 1 factor in determining success with trading. It’s not the trading system or some amazing signal service. It’s developing discipline, plain and simple. Here, I share some of the ways I’ve developed trading discipline and my experience through that development.

Low Volatility Funds Offer Interesting Risk/Reward

Several new low volatility ETF’s (such as SPLV) have been introduced over the past few years that look interesting. These funds offer higher expected long-term returns than low-yielding bonds, but less risk and volatility than the stock market.

How A Heart Attack Lead Me To The Best Stock Trading Chat Room On The Internet

I have been trading stocks online ever since E-Trade began offering their service via A.O.L. in 1991. However, living in Las Vegas at the time, I treated online trading more as a “gambling” device than a serious stock market investment tool. Even so, my “winnings” over the years provided me with extra money, a couple of automobiles and a down payment on a home. I never thought much about becoming a full time trader during those years because I enjoyed my work and was satisfied with having a source of extra income occasionally. It was only after surviving a severe heart attack that I considered becoming a full time stock trader.

The Political History Of Ukraine And Twelve Years Of Independence

Stock Traders should be paying close attention to events in Ukraine. Understanding the country’s history is important to understanding the present conflict and how to anticipate economic consequences. This brief overview can give Traders a clear perspective on the reasons why Ukraine is so important to Russians.

Price-To-Sales Ratio: Unearth the Hidden Diamonds

Many parameters have to be ascertained before you can say “good buy” to a particular stock… or smartly bid it a “good bye”. Among these, Price-to-Sales ratio ranks as one of the important characteristics.

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