Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 15-July | Episode 557

Bear Market Rules of Survival

Bear markets are unquestionably trying times for investors. Here are some survival rules to help you manage your investments during the next market downturn: Maintain your balance. Hold a mix of stocks, bonds, and cash investments tailored to your objectives, time horizon, tolerance for risk, and overall financial situation.

7 Keys That Influences Investor’s Sentiments Globally

It is important dear stock investor that you understand that irrespective of what stock trading experts have put forward as the sure-fire reasons responsible for picking hot stock’s, one foolproof truth that you need to understand, is that it is investor’s sentiment towards a stock that ultimately drives the price of a stock either up or down.

4 Tips On How To Avoid Losses, Trading Stocks

There is one undisputed law that every rational investor, stockbroker and expert analyst globally have all accepted, and that is prices of stocks rises and falls depending on the prevailing indices per time. By that I mean that stock prices rises and falls every now and then due to market activities and forces that take place within and outside of the capital market.

4 Stock Trading Sentiments You Must Avoid

Four kinds of sentiments you must avoid as an investor if you want to make fabulous wealth from the stock market. Sentimental attachment is when you have fallen in love with a particular stock(s) to the point that you can no longer be objective in terms of current market facts that counts against one patronizing such stocks, listen dear investor you cannot afford to fall in love with any equity as a stock trader, it is absolutely dangerous to the health of your portfolio.

Things to Do When the Stock Market is Down

you can still rake in profits when the stock market is down, so get wise. While other people may be loosing, you will be gaining the money they loose.

Calculating Risk Reward on Short Term Options

It is very important to calculate the risk reward on short term options. This is the amount you would risk if you were wrong and the amount you would make if you were right. If you don’t figure this number out you may find that the stock may go in your favor but the option goes against you.

Stocks and Other Investments – Don’t Make This Classic Investment Mistake

This is a classic mistake that most people don’t even know they are making. It would be a mistake not to consider the possibility that you, too, are making it.

Day Trading Stocks – The Advantages of Trading Volatile Stocks

My hunch is that if you’re a novice or inexperienced trader, you will have heard and may have been advised to stay well clear of any stocks that are volatile, or highly volatile. Well, this advice is not necessarily wrong, but you need not overlook these stocks altogether.

The Stock Trader’s Mindset (2nd Part)

Every genuine stock trader I have encountered so far in my almost ten years of stock trading and analyzing of stocks all have one common denominator; they all believe that everything is possible in the capital market. The mindset of a stock trader is a comprehensive description of the mindset, thought pattern, beliefs, heart beat, and approach to stock investments. The traditional stocks investor is averse to taking risk, plays safe, takes his time, is not knowledgeable of the undercurrents of equity investments, he is …

Where Would You Find Your Growth Stock?

For over a century growth stocks have been a part of the financial concept. The defining characteristics of the growth stocks have changed with time, like, the 70s were signified by the tough and bearish stocks while the 80s happened to be the bullish boom period.

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