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Wal-Mart – The One Stock to Have If You Can Have Only One?

The ubiquitous retail giant has remained a high flier during the current economic storm. Does its performance during these trying times qualify the stock to serve as a cornerstone presence in your portfolio?

The Best List of All Penny Stocks – Doubling Stocks?

The best list of all penny stocks in my opinion is Doubling Stocks. In this article I will explain why it is my investment tool of choice.

How to Design a Sound Investment Portfolio

Investors in stock market, especially the new ones, often get jittery over the stock market fluctuations and seek to build a volatility proof portfolio. For them what matters most is not that they should make huge profits, but that they should make reasonable profits without suffering losses.

Putting Stops on Options

One thing I think is critical for any option trader weather they are an option seller or a buyer is a stop. Just like stock traders everyone who trades options should have a stop that tells them when to get out of a trade.

How to Do Stock Market Research

As you enter the world of stock trading, you gradually realize that you cannot survive, much less succeed, here unless you do a serious stock market research. Stock market research is a highly intricate process and requires lots of time, expertise and experience. You have to learn to do fundamental and analytical research in order to study price movement of various stocks.

Having Trading Success by Trading Penny Stocks

Ever wonder why some people have success trading the stock market and others fail miserably. It’s not a question of intelligence or wisdom. The difference is that the rich can think outside the box. While everybody is throwing darts at a dart board trying to figure out when to buy the same stocks that everybody else is buying, the rich anticipate. Instead of being a part of the masses, they get in on the ground floor by trading penny stocks.

Benefits of Dividend Reinvestment Plans-DRIPs

A DRIP or a dividend reinvestment plan or a program, which is a stock investment opportunity a company directly, offers to its shareholders. When a company makes profits every year, it becomes a financial obligation for it to share them with its shareholders.

How to Buy and Sell Stocks

One advantage that the stock market offers over other businesses is that you do not have to find the suppliers of your products and also the customers to buy them. You have ready suppliers and buyers of stock not only during the regular stock exchange working hours but even after the working hours. You can buy and sell the stock online immediately sitting in front of your computer in the comfort of your home.

Stock Market Trading Styles – Scalping, Momentum Trading, Swing Trading and Trend Trading

There are generally four major stock market trading styles. Each of which depends on a trader’s time frame in which he/she decides to hold on to a stock. These are Scalping, Momentum Trading, Swing Trading and Trend Trading.

Should You Invest in Emerging Markets?

As a stock market investor you should look to invest where you can get better returns. With the stock markets being the first and foremost vehicle to get better returns on your money which is invested make sure that you look all around the world for investment. First of all let me describe what emerging economies are and which countries are considered to be emerging from the economic development perspective.

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