Best Stocks to Trade for Tomorrow with logic 08-Mar Episode 259

Three Steps To Properly Time Your Stock Trades

It is easy to jump on the proverbial bandwagon and pay too much for a stock that is making the news. To guard against emotional buying decisions, smart stock traders establish a consistent buying strategy. This will not make you bulletproof, but it can help you by your stocks when they pull back instead of when they are spiking higher.

Greece, Cultural History and the Financial System

Historical Background Greece has always had a thriving underground economy. The long history of human civilization there and even the geography of the island nation has created long-standing traditions and deep kin relationships that bypass official governmental channels, which leads to a significant percentage of the economic activity happening outside of the purview of the political powers.

The Biggest Mistake Stock Traders Make

I’ve made so many mistakes in my trading career that it’s hard to focus on one being the biggest. But since I cornered myself by writing the title of this article first, I guess I’ll have to figure it out.

Being Safe With Capital

As we look at the world economy today, and the way the market has been through several booms and busts in the past four years, people are clearly becoming more cautious with their money. People are becoming careful with where they invest their money, and companies need to be even more careful as to where they invest their money and from where they hope to get good returns. While being cautious is good, it is also important that people learn how to look at the market and analyse it before investing.

Option Order Entry Mistakes: Order Placement Errors You Must Avoid

Even experienced investors lose money – lots of it – by committing stock option order entry errors. Here is what you must do, and must not do, to avoid disasters related to major or subtle option order placement errors. These tips are especially critical for option credit spread and Iron Condor income-oriented investors.

Flash Crash In the Stock Market – Blame It On the AP and Twitter Being Hacked?

Well, after the flash crash on April 23, 2013 I was having an interesting conversation with a technical trading analyst friend of mine. The reason being, the stock market fell over 150 points in less than a minute due to a false story which had been put out by the Associated Press because someone hacked their twitter account. The story went something like this; “the White House was bombed, and the president was injured.”

Black Gold: How And Why To Invest In Oil

Though there is evidence that oil had been used for medicinal purposes since the early 1400’s, the first commercial well was not drilled until 1859 when oil was struck in North Pennsylvania, USA. The Drake Well at Titusville was able to produce around 20 barrels of oil a day, and kick started an industry that is now worth trillions of dollars.

How To Surrender In Your Stock Trading

Stock Trading Surrender? When you think of your stock trading, the first thing that pops in your head is probably not surrendering.

How To Bust A Trading Slump

Are you having trouble remembering the last time you had a winning trade? Are you ready to quit this gosh forsaken business already and do something less stressful like air traffic controller or lion tamer?

7 Things I’m Doing To Trade Better In 2013

It’s that time of year again. I always take the last few days of the year to debrief and reflect on my trading business, using what I’ve learned to gear up for next year’s market action.

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