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How To Determine The Value Of A Stock

Stock prices are driven by a company’s earnings and the information impacting the prospects of a company’s future earnings. It is the single most important factor when valuing a stock. I cannot stress this enough; determining what a stock should be trading at is completely dependent on a company’s earnings and its ability to sustain or increase its earnings in the future.

Technical Analysis – How to Use the 200 and 50 Moving Average to Gage Market Internals

Long before we had any type of software that could significantly impact our trading decisions, multitudes of investors depended on reading market internals to successfully plan their trades for a day, a week and even for a quarter. Today, we have far more tools at our disposal but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t adhere to the same theories of using stock market internals to our benefit. While in days past charting by use of a point and figure graph was the popular option, it’s more important what these graphs showed than what they were.

Trendlines and Time Frames

Trendlines can and will define numerous characteristics of a stock or markets activity, if you know what you are looking for. The time frame you are looking at will always be important in helping to determine how significant the trendline you are looking at will be.

Quick Guide To Smart Stock Investing

Everyone wants to make extra money in the stock market. Whether it be to facilitate an early retirement or just to have some extra cash in your pocket the goal is the same.

Learning How To Make The Best Stock Pick

When it comes to the theory, online stock trading and making the best stock pick is easy to learn. Even beginners with no background in finance can do it.

3 Traps Dividend Investors Should Avoid

What traps are awaiting unwitting income investors? What do dividend investors need to know before committing their hard-earned cash to an income producing stock market investment? This article provides a checklist to help investors screen prospective investments.

Stock Market Trading For Excitement And Profits

There are all sorts of participants seeking to profit in today’s markets. For every personality type there is a corresponding style of approaching Wall Street.

Save Your Money With Discount Stock Brokers

It is hard enough to make money in the stock market. Many have picked the right stock, sold at the right time, only to see a good percent of their profits go to their broker.

High Dividend Paying Stocks Provide Good Income

A new investor class has emerged. Trading has spread from Wall Street to Main street. Some of the most popular shows on cable television relate to stock trading.

How Do I Redeem Stock Certificates Quickly?

There are new entrants into the stock market everyday all seeking to earn their fortunes. With the volumes of information about Wall Street to be digested, many are left with many questions.

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