An Introduction to Technical Stocks Bonds Investing
Such a technical approach to stock investing helps predict which way certain stocks will move and when. Sure enough, you can not do so with accuracy. But it certainly eliminates reliance on pure guesswork. Stock Market Investing, whether it is shares or bonds, is a rather tricky and confusing business.
Guiding Principles Of Stock TradingMost people invest money in stocks because they want to save for the future. Since the future is often considered uncertain, savings for the future ensures some level of certainty in it.
Benefits of Reinvesting DividendsWhat is dividend? A dividend is what you earn on your share. Usually a dividend is paid in cash, but sometimes the companies offer stock dividends. You are given shares of stock against the dividend you earn.
3 Reasons Why Stocks MoveHave you ever wondered why stock prices move up, move down and sometimes stay stagnant? I will explain the 3 reasons behind these seemingly random movements and how you can profit from them.
Stock Market Trading SecretThis is a trading rule that can make you rich. A trading rule used by the top traders for decades, yet so simple anybody can use it.
Stock Market Data Calculations – Finding Periodic BehaviorFinding periodic behavior in stocks. What you need to know and how it can help in your stock investing. Answering the fundamental questions of if, why, how, and most importantly what can you do with periodic stock data (how can it make you money). A must have and highly effective tool for the serious stock investor.
How To Select Monster Stocks – A Big QuestionIt is an important yet difficult question to ask how to select monster stocks. At last survey, there were over 17,000 publicly-traded companies listed on the American stock exchanges. Given this large number of companies, it is difficult to hone in on a particular stock. The amount of data on the Internet also does not make this simpler in a niche market.
Volatile Penny StocksPenny Stocks have the potential of making someone rich beyond their wildest dreams, that is a fact! Let’s say you are able to do the research, read the charts, talk to the CEO’s, and find that diamond in the rough right before it takes off from $0.10 to $2.50. That would mean a return of 2500%….Pretty nice pay day if I don’t say so myself!
The Doubling Stock RobotRecently I came across a website claiming to have feedback from the first commercially available “Stock Trading Robot” called the “Marl”. It says that the inventors of the “Stock Trading Robot” are going to give out regular trading leads through their paid newsletters called “Doubling Stock” which guarantees trading gains.
Share Market of IndiaIndian economy is growing faster. This is one of the best growing economies among the world. You can say the best emerging economy of the world. Stock market is the reflection of economy.