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Stock Exchange – Everyday Trading On The Stock Exchange

The thrill of the Stock Market – the ever changing scenario. The new day trading scene giving ample opportunities to one and all.

Credit Spread – How Do You Profit With The Bull Put Spread?

The Bull Put Spread should be used when you feel positive about a stock/index that it will go up in price. Constructing a Bull Put Spread Simultaneously, – Sell Higher Strike Put Option – Buy Lower Strike Put Option with the same expiry month…

Candlestick Reversal Pattern or Not

Not all candlestick reversal patterns are created equal. As a matter of fact, many are just an invalid signal! Learn to profit by filtering out invalid candlestick reversal signals and trading the valid signals.

Online Trading – Choosing The Ideal Broker For Online Trading

Looking to use the new age technology for investing in the stock market? Then make sure to filter out the brokers offering online trading facilities to suit your requirements.

Buying Penny Stocks For The Novice

Buying penny stocks, although it can be highly profitable, can also be very risky. The amount of risk involved can be significantly lowered by thoroughly researching the stocks you are interested in, but the research can be very difficult and time consuming. There is a new computer “bot” that has been created that analyzes penny stocks thorough in-depth mathematical analysis and by doing so dramatically decreases the risks and increases the profits from buying penny stocks, while greatly simplifying the work of choosing what stocks to buy and when.

Your Prey for 2008

In late 2005, we gave you your prey for 2006. Scouring the 52 week low list is a good place to start. At the time the list includes Pier One Imports (PIR), Shanda Interactive (SNDA), Navistar International (NAV), Verizon Communications (VZ) and Fresh Delmonte Produce (FDP).

Abused Trailing P-E Ratio

Many investors commonly misuse Price Earning (P/E) ratio during their analysis in determining fair value. Two years ago, we talked about the many common misuse of P/E ratio in stock analysis. Many common misuse of P/E ratio includes: Using trailing P/E, Neglecting earning growth, Ignoring one-time event, ignoring balance sheet and ignoring interest rate. Using trailing P/E in my opinion, is the most commonly abused feature of P/E ratio.

Finding Comfort in Cash

Cash is King, people say. This statement is true in stock investing as well. Companies that are solid has plenty of cash and little debt on its balance sheet. Granted that the share price have reflected some of this but your investment would be spared during business downturn. This doesn’t mean that any companies with positive net cash will do well.

Don’t Shun Volatility

Volatility is back. So, what? A couple of years ago, we have discussed about ways to reduce your portfolio’s volatility. A general definition of volatility is: the characteristic of a share price that rise and fall sharply within a short-term period.

Has Panic Set on These Investments?

You can make your best investments when panic sets in. In a panic, investors will sell in mass and drove price down. As a result, long term investors can pick these shares at a lower price. To that end, we always scour around stocks trading at or near their 52 weeks low. Back in March, we have talked about the subprime woes and lower oil price (I am wrong on this).

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