Sudden SHORT Attack by FIIs | Option Chain Analysis

Stock Market

Whenever the NYSE touches a new peak, a big round number, there is an excitement laced with fear. Will the market move up from here or will it spur a sell-off?

The Big Question For Stock Market Investment Beginners – Does Paper Trading Make Sense

Is paper trading the secret to safe stock market investment for beginners? New to the world of investing and a little worried about making an investment and losing money, maybe you need to look at trading. Paper trading is trading that does not involve any capital.

Making Money in a Down Market

There are many opportunities to profit even when the market falls. Traders should learn to take advantage of profitable trading scenarios in both a bull and bear market.

Why Stock Market Prices Rise and Fall

Have you ever wondered what make the stock market rise and fall? If you watch the news at all, you will have seen the stock market levels mentioned. You have probably also noticed that the prices rise and fall each day.

Online Stock Trading, The Basics

The internet opened up online stock trading in the mid ’90s with E-Trade and Ameritrade, and most of the small investor friendly brokerage houses eventually followed suit with a similar service. This allowed a lot of smaller investors to get into active stock trading – low cost accounts let investors with only a few hundred dollars get into the market.

The Art Of Good Penny Stocks

Is the idea of good penny stocks more myth than reality? Are the words “good” and “penny stocks” a contradiction in terms? The reality is that penny stocks are what they are, and the good or bad applied to them depends on who was on the winning and losing end of the trade.

Stock Trading Systems – The Lexicon

While there is no more a surefire method for picking stocks than there is for picking lottery numbers, there is a reason to have a system when doing stock trading. You need a plan, which gives you metrics and bellweathers for reading charts and trends and measuring how you’re doing against complex goals.

Fun-ky Stock Symbols

This tongue-in-cheek article looks at how some companies choose a symbol for their stock that is meant to be fun rather than practical. However, in most cases the symbol is in fact a good clue to what the company does as a business.

A Financial Analysis of THQ Inc

The Software and Programming Industry is a large, but risky area for investments. With large-cap giants such as Microsoft and Oracle to more controversial small-cap start-ups, there is a lot of potential to make capital gains. In between these two extremes come the one to five billion dollar mid-cap companies in this industry. Companies like Ansys, Sybase, and Micros Systems, while unrecognizable to the general consumer, have helped investors obtain high portfolio profits. Another company in this range, THQ Inc (THQI), has also done well for investors over the past five years. However, the difference between THQ and these other mid-caps is the strength of its business plan and solid historical and future fundamentals.

Considering Trading Stock Options?

What does it take to trade options? Where should you begin and where should you go to learn? What are the basics? These are the simple questions you will find answers to by increasing your knowledge and experience. Take the risk out of stock option trading by increasing your knowledge and experience.

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