Positional Trade Idea With Learning

Are Hedge Funds Heading Into the Perfect Storm

You are going to be seeing and reading a lot more about hedge funds in the coming weeks and months. Two loosely related and disturbed fronts are moving towards each other, and they may yet converge into the perfect storm.

SPX: Lower Volume Trading Range

Possible Short-term S&P 500 Trading Range.

Trading Vehicles

Trading Vehicles – Deep Liquid Markets are All that Matters!

Wise Stock Trades

When you place a market order, you are essentially telling a broker to buy or sell a stock at the current market price. A market order is the way your broker normally places an order unless you give him or her different instructions. The advantage of a market order is that you are almost always guaranteed that your order is executed as long as willing buyers and sellers are in the market place.

How to Trade Stocks

Understanding how the economy works isn’t the only fundamental analysis tools that are important while trading stocks. You also need to read financial statements to understand the financial status of the companies you want to buy. A Company’s income statements on the other hand give you a look at the results of the most recent period and provide a basis for comparison with prior years and periods. You can use these statements to look at whether revenues are growing, and if they are by what percentage. You also can see how much profit the company is keeping from the revenue it generates.

The Art of Picking a Penny Stock?

Whether you are looking at a penny stock or a blue chip behemoth, there are details you should take into consideration before investing.

Penny Stock Picks Guide

To gain from the investments in Penny Stocks, which in itself is a very dicey investment option, you should be very careful about what to pick and what to avoid. Penny Stocks which boasts of converting small capital into big fortunes are primarily those publicly traded stocks that are presently trading under $5 per share.

Bear Market, Bull Market or Dead-Cat Bounce…It Matters Little to the Stalwart Penny Stock

Over the last eight weeks [June, 2006] I’ve been spending a lot of time reading articles describing the current market conditions…trying to figure if it really affects penny stock investors. Are we in a bull market…are we wading into a bear market. Or is the recent rally just a dead-cat bounce?

Penny Stock Investing Guide 101

Penny stocks are also known small caps, micro caps and nano caps. Penny stocks are low-priced issues that are often highly speculative. Usually a penny stock sells for less than one dollar and is highly volatile.

Paulson Gets Confirmed Market Flies Up

New Treasury Secretary for the United States of America that was appointed by President Bush has now been approved by the United States Congress and the day after he was confirmed the markets went up 200 points and came off a low.

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