Surprise CASH SELLING | Option Chain Analysis

Trading – A Probability Game

Taking a loss on a trade is always hard, especially when the trade appeared to be a sure thing. It is easy to feel like a failure when experiencing 3 or 4 losses in a row. Treating trading as a probability game can help accept these losses.

True Value

When buying a stock, mutual fund or Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) investors want to know they are receiving a good value for the money. It seems there are many methods of judging value. Most of them are complicated and many are subjective to the writer’s opinion. What is the true value now?

Evaluating Stocks: Fundamentals and Technical Analysis

Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis of securities are two fairly radically different approaches to determining the correct [or fair] value of a company’s stock. Let’s start with a general overview of each method and then look into the specifics of each area.

Short-Term Investing – aka Swing Trading

Often times, those interested in daytrading incorrectly assume that all trading must be completed on an intraday basis and/or that all trades must be closed out by the end of the day. While this does often times reduce the risk of holding over night, or for a duration longer than a single day, sometimes (not always) it can…

Against The Top Down Approach to Picking Stocks

A value investor explains why the top down approach to picking stocks will not work as well as investing on a stock by stock basis.

Buying and Selling With Discipline

Buying stocks appears fairly straightforward at first glance, however there are several points you should consider before blinding placing your first trade to buy or sell a stock. Following is a brief outline of points to consider. First and foremost, you need to understand that stocks are sold to you at one price and bought back at a slightly lower price. This difference is called “the spread”…

The Securities and Exchange Commission – Friend or Foe?

For those of us who consider ourselves novices when it comes to “the financial world”, it is interesting to understand the impact of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its role in the world of investment. The SEC touts as its mission statement, “…to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation.”

Oppenhiemer Funds Research on Financial Independence of Interest

The Official Oppenhiemer website has the most intensive studies and research that I have ever seen and they are showing “financially independent” as no more than 20%

SPX Megaphone Pattern

SPX, the Dow, and Nasdaq have been creating bearish megaphone patterns, which suggest the market will fall further.

Market is Flat

When you are driving down the highway looking ahead the road seems very flat yet when you stop to look at the surface of that smooth concrete you see many tiny ridges. The tires and springs of the car protect you from shocks and even potholes. To the rider it is very comfortable. Investors who buy individual stocks subject themselves to the…

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