Market Analysis | Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 23-Dec | Episode 654

Stock Brokers — Just The Facts

Many types of brokerage services are available. Significant cost differences appear when you factor in all the fees and commissions. Estimate how many trades you expect to make in a year, and all ancillary services you will use. Then you’ll be prepared to make an informed decision.

Playing IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)

How and when should I get into an IPo for the greatest profits?

When To Enter A Stock

The first ten minutes of trading is a nightmare to get involved with. That’s not to say we don’t do it some times, but more times than not a stock like that will power up, and then dip after the first several minutes of trading.

VIX and the Psychology of Markets

We know that greed and fear rule the markets. But did you know that when investors gets too greedy, markets usually fall, and when investors are overcome with fear, markets usually rise. So how can we monitor investors emotions and take advantage of investors emotional extremes?

Buy and Hold?

Say the DOW is off 25% and you’re down just 15. Is this great? No!

Investment Canary

Years ago before all the electronic sensors miners would take a canary down into the shaft. He was a very pampered bird as he represented life or death. If he dropped off his perch unconscious the miners ran for the exit as fast as possible. The little guy had detected poison fumes. Yes, they carried the canary out when they left.

Every Path Has Puddles

On the path of life there will be some rain and therefore puddles. Most are shallow and we easily splash through them and occasionally there might be a very deep one. Learning to navigate them will make the journey more pleasant.

Rear View Mirror

Buying a stock or mutual fund is like a driver who is going down the road at high speed, but is using looking in the rearview mirror as a guide. He can see fine out the back, but has no idea what is ahead. Sound familiar?

Best Stock Market Simulation Games

A stock market simulation game is a great way to practice your investment skills before actually investing any “real” money in the stock market.

Candlestick Patterns For Swing Traders

Reading candlestick charts is the best way to interpret price on a stock chart. But is it really necessary to memorize all of those patterns?

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