FIIs will HIT Stop Loss | Option Chain Analysis

Buy and Hold Investment Philosophy

Wall Street has been preaching the doctrine of Buy and Hold forever. The worst part about it is the small investor (and some big ones) actually believe it. Brokers and financial planners believe it, but when you show them they can get a better return by timing the market they just say, “It can’t be done”. They are either lazy or stupid.

Box Of Chocolates

Ever have one of those sample boxes of candy? Each little piece is beautifully wrapped in colorful foil or decorated with an interesting design. Taste just one. So good! One more. And another. Before you know it the box is empty. Nothing left. This upmove in the stock market is very tempting – and could leave you with a tummy ache.

China Syndrome

There has been great condemnation recently because China has been selling its goods on the world market at prices below what other countries, especially the U.S., can produce. It has been called exporting deflation.

Choosing An Investment Stock Broker

If you want one. And I don’t recommend any broker with whom to trade who will be giving you advice on what to buy and sell. When a broker speaks it is a eulogy for your money. My definition of a broker is one who makes you broker.

Investment Capital Gains

Have you bought any mutual funds this year or late last year while the market was doing its skyrocket thing? Last year it was hard to lose money. This year it has been easy.

Buying New Issues

Has your broker been calling you recently with the “great opportunity” to get in on a new Initial Public Offering? With friends like that you don’t need any enemies. I don’t care how good this new stock offering sounds. The chances it will stay even or go up are about 1 in 3 and I don’t want to play those odds with my money.

Bull or Bear?

Cat or dog? Maybe Zebra. Shucks, I don’t know, but my broker keeps telling me it is a bull and to buy this and that. It looks like he is right – for a change. I remember he said the same thing in 1999 and 2000 and I ended up losing most of my money. But it looks good right now.

Catnip of the Stock Market

I have watched my cat play with a bag of catnip. At first he is having fun and slowly he becomes drunk with pleasure and then finally he becomes so tipsy he falls over to sleep it off. The pleasure part is great, but I am not sure if he awakes without a hangover. Rocket (that’s his name) reminds me of a one of those people who buy a stock and hold it. At first while it is going up there is …

Coca-Cola – A Value Stock?

Don’t get me wrong. I really like Coke as a company. Its brand is as American as can be, and yet over 70% of all its sales are derived from outside of North America. The country with the highest consumption per capita of Coca-Cola is Mexico. According to, the brand name of Coca-Cola is worth approximately $67 billion and is the world’s number one brand name.

Stock Market Horizons: Gold $3,000, Oil $70

$3,000 gold price could create chaos in the stock markets globally. Any major supply disruption of oil could boost its price upto $75 a barrel.

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