🔴🔴 Misconceptions of Stock Traders – Live Q&A with Nitin Bhatia

Options Trading for Beginners

An option is a contract that gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a set price by a certain date. For example, you might want to buy a house, but won’t have enough capital for a deposit for another six months. So you and the current owner write a contract stating that you can buy the house in six months for $350,000. For this contract, you pay $5,000.

Profits and Valuations: After Hours Trading

Stock trading profits come by buying low and selling high. Profits fuel capitalism. Profits built America. Corporate profits come from buying low and selling high.

How to Use Standard Deviation for Profitable Investing

A stock price vacillates according to the company or economic news. It is difficult to ascertain with a high accuracy in the long-run the probable direction of a stock price. However, you can make some possible profitable investment decision in a short term time frame using standard deviation.

Stock Trading Tips That Stock Investors Need To Know

If you are thinking about testing your skills in the stock market then you need to start right here. The trick to making money from the stock market is to simply…

Learn How to Trade: Creating A Successful Trading Strategy

Developing even a simple trading strategy greatly increases your chances of success as a new trader and will limit losses. A good trading strategy will not only improve your trading performance, but also help you make objective trading decisions.

Day Trading Online – Pros Vs Cons

So you’ve heard about electronic trading (e-trading for short), but you don’t quite get what all of the excitement is about. Read to find out why e-trading is the new “thing” and why it is something that you may want to consider for yourself if you are interested in trying your hand at investing. More importantly, learn about the pros and the cons of day trading online in order to get the full picture and then decide whether or not it is right for you.

How to Get the Best Stock Analysis Software

I personally have relied on this technology for over five years now, and in that time I’ve tested of whole array of different programs. This short list for what to look for to find the best stock analysis software is the product of that research.

What Is a Call Option and How Does It Work?

Stock options have become a very popular way to invest in the last few years. Through these options you you can bet on each side of the market; either through a call or a put option. Here’s how the call option works.

10 Stock Secrets for Any New Stock Trader

Define your risk. Figure out how much money you’re comfortable with to start trading.

Learning Stock Market Fundamentals – Why?

Before making your first investment, you should take into account the reality that there is a learning curve to becoming a good investor. In fact, you should strive to become a knowledgeable investor. You can acquire the requisite knowledge and skills through a variety of means. But always keep in mind the importance of learning stock market fundamentals.

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