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Understanding the Stock Market is Easy and Fun – Part Ten – How to Pick Stocks

In part 10 of this series on understanding the stock market I am going to teach you how to pick stocks. One of the hardest parts of understanding the stock market is learning how to effectively pick stocks. To do this you must first determine your objectives, doing this is known as investment planning.

Understanding the Stock Market is Easy and Fun – Part Six – Learning About Stock Derivatives

In this part of my series on understanding the stock market we are going to be learning about stock derivatives. Derivatives are a number of stock like products in which people speculate and invest. While not exactly like stock they are directly based on them and are traded on exchanges.

How You Can Trade Penny Stocks

You want to trade penny stocks because it sounds like a safe and inexpensive way to get into the stock market. After all, if the stocks only cost you pennies, how could it be risky? Don’t get sucked in by claims of easy trading money management with penny stocks. There are important factors to take into account before realizing a financial windfall in penny stock trades.

Stock Market Profits – Achieving Your Investment Goals

The past few years have shown the world that even the biggest and most secure corporations can be taken down in a matter of weeks when market conditions get bad enough. With all the chaos and loss that’s been experienced in the stock market lately, it takes a strong will and an appetite for stock market profits to decide to invest again.

Stop Loss Placement Using Correct Money Risk Management Principles

Every novice or seasoned trader needs that professional “edge” in trading or they are destined to fail. The answer is using correct Money Risk Management principles to determine position / trade sizing and Stop Loss placement. Have you ever felt that the market always seems to “know” exactly where your stops are? Have you been frustrated by the market taking out your stop, and then rebounding and moving in the direction of your original trade?

This Game is Rigged! Two Lessons From Recent History

There are two major pieces of news from recent history that should serve to remind people that the stock market is “rigged” against Main Street. They are the events of Friday, May 7 and the trading records of the large investment banks. Any money you leave in the hands of Wall Street insiders is likely to be taken away.

Dow Jones Crumble – 5 Lessons From the Recent Stock Market Crash

A few days back the DOW crumbled and lost a massive 1000 points in a matter of a very short time almost precipitating another stock market crash. What lessons can be drawn for traders from this recent DOW crumble and the stock market crash? Here are 5 lessons that one must ponder over before again dabbling with stock trading in the near future…

Understanding the Stock Market is Easy and Fun – Part Nine – How to Buy Stock

Are having trouble understanding the stock market? Keep reading because in this article I am going to explain everything you need to know about understanding the stock market.

Understanding the Stock Market is Easy and Fun – Part Seven – The Markets

Having trouble understanding the stock market? In this series of articles I am going to teach you everything that you will ever need to know about stock and the stock market.

Top Features of Discount Brokers Beyond Lower Fees

Saving money using a discount broker is the route that many investors use now to invest, but today there are so many brokerage firms, how can you find the best brokerage firm for your needs? The answer is that while there are many firms that may have the basic services to meet your requirements, why settle for just the basics?

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