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Discover Your Risk Tolerance

A good stockbroker or financial planner knows that everyone has a risk tolerance that should be acknowledged. They should also help you in finding what your level of risk tolerance is. Your investments should be able to meet and not exceed your tolerance with the help of your financial planner or broker.

Getting a Stock Broker

If you plan on investing on the stock market or the type of investing plan you have involves buying and selling stocks, you need a stock broker. Brokers handle the buying and selling of stocks on the stock market and works under a brokerage company. The need for a broker if you plan to buy and sell stocks on the stock exchange is a must.

Share Market Trading for Beginners (Part 4)

This is the fourth of a series of posts aimed at the self directed trader and/or investor. If you ever wanted to learn about trading and investing in the share markets but did not know where to get unbiased information from, this is the set of articles for you. This series of posts are part of an effort to build a meritocratic peer reviewed repository for traders and investors at Tradepoint, the online community for traders and investors.

Various Investments for Different Investors

There are numerous types of investments starting from cash, bonds, and stocks. There are other various types that fall under each type. As you can see there is much to learn about the various investment types. The stock market can be overwhelming to anyone who is not familiar with investing and stocks.

Investing in Different Kind of Stocks

Most beginning investors get confused about the various kinds of stocks. Some people chose to stay away from the stock market while others make poor investments. Knowing the various kinds stock is necessary if you want to make the stock market a good place to invest your funds. You should be able to tell what stocks are available and how they are significant.

How Much of Your Savings Should You Invest?

Investing for most beginning investors means having a large sum of money to invest right away. It is not always necessarily the case. It is often best to determine your financial goals first before counting how much money you should invest. Of course that would also be based on how much you are actually willing to invest.

The Right Moment to Sell Your Stocks

Buying stocks requires some amount of research but selling stocks could be a problem especially if you are a beginner. While a really great stock doesn’t need to be sold until you are ready to retire or spend big, there are stocks that needs to be sold to avoid incurring unrecoverable loss and even before the right time has come.

Get Started With Investing

Starting out as a conservative investor and making low risk investments is a good way to get started in investing. You can probably invest right away without the extensive knowledge of the stock market. Using this strategy, you can learn about investing as your money accumulates in value. Your investment is in some way growing along with you.

Who Says Timing the Market Doesn’t Make Sense?

How many times have you heard, “you can’t time the market”? The idea being that no one knows what the market will do next. While this may be true in a general sense, the fact is that there are certain specific situations where timing works and makes a lot of sense. This article explores certain specific timing issues that generally do work, if done along with proper due diligence.

A GDP Backed Stock Index

Countries with emerging markets, possessing a high GDP growth rate and expect to experience the same in foreseen future, can introduce a stock directly linked to the GDP growth rate. Countries like Brazil, India, China, Qatar, Paraguay can directly create a link between a certain percentage of GDP growth with the stock index value. This will make the said stock more predictable and a direct representation of the country’s economy.

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