Best Stocks to Trade for Tomorrow with logic 03-feb Episode 241

Shorting Or Short Selling Stocks And Shares

Trying to understand the tricky concept of shorting stock? Read on to see how easy it is!

Stock Market Manipulation – How Big Brokerage Firms Trick You!

Manipulation is part of the stock trading world. What do I mean? Well, this is a zero sum game and everyone can not and will not be a winner.

Pattern Day Trader – Pattern Day Trader Rules Un-American

Pattern Day Trader Rule While the pattern day trader (PDT) rules were created with the best of intentions, I find the regulations simply absurd! I honestly believe the regulations do more harm than good to the markets by keeping traders out of the market and limiting liquidity. The pattern day trader rules were adopted in 2001 to address day trading and margin accounts.

Buying Options Vs. Selling Options – Which Is Better?

One of the first things many new options traders are taught is that more than 60% of all options expire worthless. This statistic, which never had hard research behind it, is usually meant to instil a sense of caution in new and versed traders. Understanding this statistic can help you understand the importance of trade timing on entries and exits.

Covered Call Strategy – Best Way To Use Covered Calls

A lot of investors and novice traders are just unaware of the many possibilities options provide. Most start with just trading shares of stock in companies and never expand their knowledge outside of that realm. One of the most common strategies taught to most investors and traders starting out in options is called the covered call strategy or buy-write.

Trading Goals: Yours Could Be Hurting Your Options Trading

Over the weekend, I enjoyed my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season at Peet’s Coffee & Tea (PEET) with my girlfriend. An article in the weekend edition of the New York Times business section caught my eye. It’s not often that I take the time to write about an article that I read, but I found it very interesting.

Diversity – An Investor’s Best Friend

Hopefully your stock portfolio is well allocated. There are many ways to diversify beyond stock, but the question is why? Why the frequent equity trading that brings higher costs? A good strategy would be to invest in sound investments that you will not want to trade out of immediately.

Identifying The Trend Is Key To Success In The Markets

Investing in the markets takes time and patience. One of the keys to success is paying attention to the current trend of price. Going against this trend can be costly and lead to losses.

What Makes the Stock Market Go Up and Down?

The answer to this question is one of the most disputed topics on Wall Street. The correct answer to this question could carry unlimited wealth. Over the years many so-called Guru’s claimed to crack the key to the stock market but none has stood the test of time. In this article we will attempt to answer this all so important question.

How Do I Double My Money – Online Stock Trading 101

If you’re wondering, “How do I double my money,” you can explore the world of online stock trading as an option to turning a profit. If you’re savvy with stocks and have money to invest, this could be a great option for you.

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