Best Stocks to Trade for Tomorrow with logic 07-May Episode 295

Things to Look for When Choosing the Best Online Stock Brokers

The internet has changed how we do a lot of things. We order our groceries online, we buy products online and we can even trade online. The demand for good quality online stock brokers is constantly increasing as more people take their retirement into their own hands and make their money work for them to achieve a higher amount in their retirement fund in the long run.

Why Global Financial Markets Are Doomed

The role of the Federal Reserve and global central banks in managing the global economy and financial markets is changing. This article considers the consequences of various policies going forward.

How To Trade Stocks For Huge Gains And Big Risks

Everyone is told to diversify your trading portfolio. This isn’t how the big money is made in stocks. The bigger the risk the bigger the reward. Trade one stock at a time but be very selective.

Five Telltale Signs That You Are Entering a Bear Market

There are some major warning signs as bear markets approach. This article will look at some key indicators that tell you that a bear market is fast approaching.

10 Best Ways To Exit A Trade When You’re Trading Stocks

Traders tend to focus too much on fine-tuning their entry rules and choosing between stocks. Picking the right exit can be just as important, if not more important, than picking the right entry. After all, it is the exit that locks in your profit (or loss) and ultimately impacts the equity in your trading account.

Four Reasons You Need To Use Investing Rules With Stocks

I’m not a very good discretionary trader so I get around that fact by using rules to make investment decisions. It pays off since it stops me second-guessing my trades and getting out at precisely the wrong time (which is what usually happens). Here are four reasons why I use investing rules and why you should too:

Do Not Follow the Herd

Whether you are new to investing, or have been doing it for 30 years, there are some key points that you need to understand if you want to be a successful investor. Strangely, most people do not actively participate in their investments. For some reason, they are willing to work long hard hours to earn a good income, but when it comes to deciding how to invest that income, they usually hand their hard earned money to a complete stranger, and hope all goes well.

Preparing For A Correction And Shopping For Bargains

Every forecast we read and every trade we make are, essentially, educated guesses! There are many who are guessing that a pull-back or correction is near. Inverse ETFs can provide a good hedge. “Weeding-the-garden” is prudent. CASH is a position, too! If there is a correction, a strong cash position enables shopping for bargains.

Attention Investors: Don’t Get Soft

Do you realize how easy investors have had it lately? There is almost always something happening in the world that can serve as justification for selling investment positions or not investing new dollars. Yet, there hasn’t been many spooky events impacting the markets during the last several months. Let’s examine the investment environment we’ve recently enjoyed.

BioNitrogen Holdings Corp (BION) Is Poised For Takeoff

Everyone knows of the agricultural need for fertilizer. Few, however, understand the growing demand for this critical product. Fewer still, are aware of a new “green technology” that eliminates the cost of natural gas from the manufacturing input cost. BioNitrogen has a rock-solid management team and a growing market for its product.

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