Best Stocks to Trade for Tomorrow with logic 20-Apr Episode 285

Investing: Dollar-Cost Averaging Brings Rewards

In the media, online, in investment press you can see a wide range of predictions about the market and especially when it is going to or is bottoming out and therefore the best moment in time to invest. Since for every opinion you can find several alternative ones how do you know who to believe or follow? Fact is you don’t and you can’t as no one has absolute knowledge.

Formulating Your Winning Trading Strategy

Every trader has their own winning strategy. Yours may not be the same as those of others, but it should follow three main concepts. These concepts will help you gauge your progress and come up with a realistic goal for your future as a trader.

3 Ways To Keep More Profits And Know When To Sell

For some traders knowing when to exit a profitable trade is a lot harder than finding a good trading candidate. After all, you’re not only managing a position, you’re managing emotions. Unfortunately, there are no hard rules to follow. In most cases, it’s situational. However, I’ll try to share some thoughts that could probably help.

Trader World: Is The Stock Market Something You Can Learn?

Investing and trading is an area full of dangers and open to wild fluctuations based on what appear to be minimal economic changes. What is amazing is that there is a plethora of books, DVDs, seminars, manuals, articles and so forth that claim to hold the secret to learning how to master the markets but is this really a possibility? Is it truly possible to learn all that there is to know about something that on any given day the ‘experts’ can argue that it is going to go up, down or sideways?

The Trader’s Mind: Getting Back to the Fundamentals of Trading

Being an excellent trader involves much more than a heft bank account. If you really want to succeed, make sure you do not neglect the mental side of the process. When you’re in the right place mentally, you will be better equipped to make sound decisions with each trade.

Trading: Understanding The Stock Market

It is almost impossible to avoid hearing about the day’s trading on the stock markets of the world and where the numbers have gone. But how much of it do you really understand or know about? What do any of the key players really do and how does this all affect you? Do you know what the SEC or Dow is? Do you know how today’s numbers affect your financial security? This article will set out some of the basic answers to the above and establish the key facts of trading and how you can go about it.

Developing a Plan: The Basis of Successful Investing

“To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework.”

Stock Prices Are At All Time Highs, So What’s Next?

Major stock markets are near all-time highs. As a matter of fact, as we hit the mid-year mark on June 30, U.S. stocks were up about 6% which continues the bull market into its sixth year since the recession in 2008.

Why Style Drifting Can Kill Your Success And Bank Roll

Getting started with option investing or trading is not easy… especially with so many “education” vendors out there-promising that their services are the only thing you’ll need to be consistently profitable. The reality is-most of them are just plain awful… lacking the knowledge and experience needed to help investors strive in today’s market. However, I’m thankful for them… because they get people engaged and involved in the market.

Forex Binary Trading

It has been decades since the Forex market has been running, enabling people to make and even lose money. But binary trading is the new kid on the block, as it has managed to get many people attracted to it. This type of trading is meant for those traders, who don’t have thousands and thousands of dollars to invest in their first trade and for those who aren’t experts in trading.

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