The Importance of Volume Indicators for Beginners
Using Volume Indicators in today’s market is important rather than using Price Indicators, and will help prevent chronic losses. The main reason is because Price Indicators lag, meaning they provide information later than information provided by using Volume Indicators.
How Can You Trade Stocks Online?Many people think trading stocks in India is a tedious task and require you to invest a lot of money to start with. This article will show you how simple it really is. All you need is to get the right information.
All About SIX Swiss ExchangeThis article describes the SIX Swiss Exchange that was established in 1995. Since then, the stock exchange has revolutionized the trading industry through introduction of various leading edge technologies.
The Stock Market “Fairy Tale”1. Drama of the Looming Debt Ceiling: Treasury secretary, Jacob Lew, just uttered a Horse-whisper that the next market crash may likely commence about mid-October, 2013. Those weren’t his exact words but he reported the Treasury’s “extraordinary measures” to prevent hitting the debt ceiling will be “exhausted in the middle of October.” Now recall the intense drama around a government shutdown the last time in 2011. That drama was provoked when Standard & Poor’s downgraded the credit rating of the United States for the first time in history, a truly ominous sign!. The market quickly dropped more than 15%! Now, we’re staring at the same exact situation as the government’s debt level pushes hard up against the debt ceiling in October, 2013.
Top 5 Bullish Candlestick Patterns You Need To Know AboutThere are a lot of candlestick patterns out there but in this article, I’ll be discussing the 5 most important and perhaps, the most popular bullish candlestick pattern in the world. Don’t get me wrong, you have to learn more than 5 candlestick patterns. But it won’t hurt to get to know these 5 patterns in advance.
Inverted Technical Analysis for BeginnersWhen you are already in a stock and it starts to move down rather than up, many traders do not know whether to sell the stock or hold it. They are uncertain whether the move down is just a retracement or if the stock is going to continue moving down. Often times they are looking at the chart from the perspective of hoping that the stock will turn around and run right back up. However hoping a stock will run up, and analyzing the price action properly to determine whether it will or will not, makes all the difference between a profitable trade or a losing trade.
Linear Regression Lines for BeginnersLinear Regression Lines is a terrific Indicator that is seldom used. As with all indicators that are single line indicators, combining two primaries or a subordinate indicator applied to the primary indicator, provides a superior analysis as well as speeding up the entire indicator analysis process. This is an essential indicator for Position and Swing Trading because these lines can tell you when a bottom formation has started.
Advice You Can Use On The Stock Market TodayInvesting in the stock market can be a great way to earn more income and fund your retirement, but it also has its pitfalls.Too many novice investors leap into the market without taking the time to learn the basics of successful investing. They often end up losing quite a bit.
Options for BeginnersBeginner investors and traders who want to trade Options need to know that “The Option Premium Always Follows the Stock.” It is best to use technical analysis on a stock to determine if it is a candidate for Options. All you need to do is to learn to read a stock chart, where to buy, how far the stock will move, where to place your stop loss, and the risk of trading the stock versus trading the option contract. You can trade options whether you have a small or large capital base, and dramatically lower your risk of the trade.
The Pink Sheets – A New Sheriff in TownIf you want something done right, how do you do it? Yourself, of course. The Pink Sheets are taking their cue from that old maxim by creating a multi-tiered system that offering a new service that will allow strong companies to stand out from the masses.