Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 28-Sep Episode 382

Basics of Stock Options

Stock options can be a good way to reduce the risk in your stock portfolio, or to generate additional income from your stocks. Here are some of the basic concepts behind stock options.

When You Should Avoid Buying Stocks in Today’s Market

If you’ve been thinking of buying stocks in today’s changing market, you probably have more nerve than most average investors. Since 2008, the market has been vacillating and fluctuating between trying to once again achieve the highs of 2007, and dropping like a recessionary rock. If you’ want to buy stocks today, you will need to get a handle on what is working amid high unemployment, a weak dollar, and other factors that we haven’t seen in decades.

Should You Invest in Stocks?

Open a Web browser or turn on the television, and you’re sure to hear gloom and doom from the financial sector. Job losses, falling stock prices, and the ever-rising cost of living have left lots of people in a bind. The government, already trillions of dollars in debt, is spending billions more to bail out corporations and stimulate the flagging economy. It would be crazy to get involved in stocks with the market in the state that it’s in, wouldn’t it?

Trading Psychology

If you are trading in the Stock Market today you will have experienced the tremendous pressure that can tug on your Psychology. One of the main factors of becoming a successful trader is dealing with your own psychology.

Don’t Invest in Wall Street – Invest in You

It’s tough to think about investing in anything having to do with Wall Street now. Why would you invest in something so full of greed, fraud and corruption? Unfortunately, many of us do have 401k’s and IRA’s and the like, but thinking about moving them or cashing them in is unbearable to contemplate. Anything you thought about your investments has been turned to dust. At least somebody ELSE got rich. But, it sure wasn’t you or me, and likely never will be.

Penny Stock That Moves

Invest in the stock market. It seems so easy at times, with all these web site giving you tips on the next penny stock that is going to have a 1000% gain. Beware times are difficult, and we can easily be persuaded to fall for these claims.

Introduction to Penny Stocks

“Penny Stocks”, are stocks that can be traded for less than 5 dollars per share. Lots of people claim that companies such as Xerox, and Microsoft started out as penny stocks, however, some say this is false.

Penny Stock Strategies

Ultimately the goal is to buy low, and sell high. However, this is easier said than done. Most set a percent of decrease or increase at which the stock is automatically sold.

How Much Do You Really Know About Investing?

Investing regularly is something everyone should do. However, many people are trying to make investment decisions with little information. Take this simple quiz to determine just how much you actually know about investing your money. Just decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

Stock Options Pricing Explained

Perhaps you have read about stock options and how they allow you to use leverage for big profits. You might also be very wary of buying put and call options because you’ve heard stories of people losing a lot of money very quickly.

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