BIGGEST Exchange of Hands of Option Positions | Option Chain Indicator

How to Buy a Stock – The Basics of Investing

A lot of people often wonder, “how do I actually buy stocks?” This question can certainly be daunting, as the stock market appears to be a rich mans game. This negative sentiment is a leftover from trading in the latter century. I affirm that buying stocks is easier than ever with the prominence of discount (and premium) brokerage services.

16 Guaranteed Ways To Do Your Dough On The Stock Market

Don’t Plan. You won’t have the worry of setting goals. Do not do any research at all. Think of the time you will save?

Doubling Stocks Review – Is Doubling Stocks Newsletter For Real?

I got an email from my broker recommending Doubling Stocks newsletter two month ago. I ignored the email but three days later I got a follow up message. This was the first recommendation I ever got from them, so I figured out that it must have been something good. I decided to check it out that time.

Market Tops

One of the most frustrating times of investing is when the stock market is making a top. By top I mean when the smart money is selling to the less knowledgeable investors. That does not necessarily mean good ole Joe Sixpack.

Listen To The Market

Listen to the market, not your broker. During any 10-year period there will be one major break in the stock market. It may be only 20%, but many times it will run to 40% or more.

Brainwashing Versus Common Sense

Wall Street propaganda says you need a broker to help with investment decisions. Doctors tell us you need them to help treat with serious diseases like cancer. And the biggest lie, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you”.

Bears Feed On Disappointment

It seems the bad news never stops. The market responds by going lower and lower. This has crept into the souls and pocketbooks of investors who are confused.

Trade the Nasdaq 100 with Stock and Options

This is information regarding trading the QQQ the most traded security in the United States. Since the creation of the QQQ investors can now trade options on the Nasdaq 100.

Best Buys For 2008

Everyone knows how to do that. Of course, everyone usually gets it wrong.

Buy A Good Stock And Put It Away – Not

Are you still holding Enron? Why this does not work.

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