Budget Trading 2021 | Strategy For Intrday

New York Stock Exchange Closes – Good Opportunity to Report Poor Earnings With Little Notice

The 2012 third-quarter corporate earnings season have been a little bit of a stormy ride and right in the middle of it now it seems Hurricane Sandy is busy making headlines and eroding some sand of her own. Companies are bracing for investor pull back on their stock prices and angered shareholders as they report lackluster earnings. All the while the Obama Administration in the middle of the election season is putting out press releases that claim the economy is recovering – thus, making all of this a mixed bag of financial media tanglelations.

Laws Of Technical Trading – The Modern Approach!

We all have read John Murphy’s laws of technical trading. Haven’t we? Well, folks who are yet to read them will get a chance to glance at them here. But, my target readers are those who have not only read them, but perhaps even mugged them by heart. I present to you the commandments of technical trading in an entirely refreshed manner keeping in view my trading experience and modern trading techniques. All observations and opinions are solely mine and I do not intend to disagree with the original rules. They may have worked the best in those times as well may be working still for modern traders in the same old style.

Are Buying Penny Stocks Online Worth The Risk?

Before you buy penny stocks online there is a lot to consider. There are many risks involved with trading these types of stocks. Find out how to avoid being scammed by penny stock gurus.

What Is the Leading Stock Screening Software in Today’s Market?

A staggering number of investors of the stock market today are turning to stock screening software to enable them to realize their financial independence through smarter trading. This is software which, as the title suggests, screens the stock market to look for high probability trading opportunities for you to invest your money in ahead of the curve.

Building A Stock Trading Plan

Building a solid stock trading plan is one of the most important things you can do before you actually start trading. This isn’t something you can impulsively jump into and expect to achieve success. A solid plan can help guide you. It can help you make difficult choices, help you make decisions quickly when needed and it can help keep you grounded so you don’t start gambling instead of trading.

Collecting Sexy Dividends

The Sexy Dividends strategy entails selecting companies in the S&P 500’s High Yield Dividend Aristocrats report with various dividend payments throughout every season. This enables you to definitely create monthly streams of earnings moving forward.

Using Technical Analysis To Spot Trading Opportunities In Stock And Forex Markets

Do you believe the news drives the stock market? I do not. In fact, in my 15+ years of experience, I have not seen a single case where an uptrend change has occurred on negative news and where a bottom has formed on positive news. In fact, it is quite the other way around. Usually the tops are found on plenty of good news and bottoms are formed on panic, i.e. on some extreme bad news.

3 Marks of the Best Stock Market Simulation Software

Stock market simulation software is just that, software which simulates the market and how it unfolds so that you can trade ahead of the curve accordingly. This software has enabled first time and inexperienced traders to trade effectively and without emotions just like the pros so if you want to realize your financial independence through cold mathematically crunched algorithmic trading and nothing more, consider these 3 marks of the best stock market simulation software.

Stock Buying Tips For Beginners

3 Essential Tips and Tricks every beginner stock investor should know. Whether you’re trying to learn the stock market, how to make day trading your living or you’re just interested in how to trade penny stocks, we’ve got you covered right here.

3 Reasons to Use Stock Forecasting Software

Stock forecasting software is used to predict and forecast the movements of stocks in the market before they happen so that you can act and trade accordingly. This technology is heavily used by over one million traders the world over because it works, but that’s not saying enough so let’s give 3 reasons to use stock forecasting software to realize your financial independence in the stock market.

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