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Investing in Stocks – Directly Or Through a Mutual Fund?

Is it really better to leave everything to the professionals? Or would you be better off doing the investing by yourself? What are the pros and cons? Find out here.

Tracker Funds? So How Do They Add Value?

I remember back when Virgin money hopped on the tracker bandwagon years ago with the line that active investment managers rarely performed well and indeed charged heavily for it. Trackers claim to be cheaper entries into the investment market and typically appeal to an investor through cost but many investors are paying way through the nose for such a scheme. Fidelity international for example cut their costs to 0.1% per year (a tenth of the cost of most competitors) back in 2005. Many investors in tracker funds have been caught by that apathy and still pay the extra fee unnecessarily.

How to Calculate a Stock Price

The price of one share of a company is determined by the traders in the marketplace. This price is a perceived value of the traders, which is affected by many things including how well the company and the economy are doing. That is one reason why prices fluctuate so much. Another big factor is buy or sell demand. If one company becomes a hot trade then a flock of buyers could overwhelm the supply of shares for sale, causing the price to temporarily go higher.

Are You an Emotional Investor?

Emotional investing is bad for your health and your purse too. You will be driven to make decisions which you may regret later on. An emotional person can never trade in the stock market for too long. Keep all your emotions and feelings locked in the cupboard before starting trading in the stock market.

How Harvard Losing Money Affects You

Believe it or not, Harvard’s estimating a loss of 30% this year! Why’s their performance so bad? Just take a look at what their investing in. Keep in mind, these details come from government filings. Filings that only cover a portion of the total endowment. That means they may actually be a little better (or worse) off than reported.

Make a Fortune From Citigroup’s Collapse

Once the stock broke through support it was all over. Traders using technical analysis either sold their stock or established a short position. Think about how much money you could have saved… think about how much you could have made.

How to Invest Like the Pros

Too many investors blindly follow the advice of others. Often without performing any of their own research or diligence. It’s most obvious with big, well known, money managers.

Profit From Earnings Season Once Again

Unfortunately, I don’t think this year’s earnings season is going to be filled with happy days, kisses, and gumdrops. This year we’re going to see a number of companies announce horrible results. The economic crisis really hit hard in the fourth quarter of 2008 and I’m positive a lot of that spilled over to the first quarter.

How to Invest Into the Ultimate Energy Stock

Very few people understand the enormous undertaking it is to deliver electricity to a home. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy demand is expected to double in the next two decades.

How Dividends May Be Costing You Money

Standard & Poor’s conducted an interesting study on the markets. They found since 1926, dividends contribute nearly a third of total return. Think about that for a moment. For long term investing one out of every three dollars earned is from dividends.

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