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Investment Strategies For the Stock Market

When it comes to investment strategies for the stock market most people believe that you should simply buy and hold. Is this the best strategy or is this just what your financial planner wants you to believe?

Where to Find Penny Stocks

Everyone has heard the story – some guy gets rich investing in some no-name penny stock. If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a thousand times, and you’re probably just about ready to find out if there is any truth in this story. But what is a penny stock and where can you find them?

Make Money the Easy Way – How I Make Money With No Effort

For several years I searched for an easy way to make money. You hear stories about people making good money simply by discovering a little quirk that allows them to simply print money. Believe me I spent a long time looking until I finally found what I was looking for.

Japanese Candlesticks Foretold the Decline in Merrill Lynch Shares

The story of the decline in Merrill Lynch shares since early 2007 bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Bear Stearns. From a high of $98.68 on January 18, 2007, Merrill shares fell to a low of $22.00 on July 29, 2008. Could such a drastic decline have been foreseen? The answer lies in the Japanese Candlesticks; and the answer is Yes.

Stock Market For Beginners – Types of Investment Processes

Stock market is the place from where you buy shares of company’s stock. Once you buy these shares you become part owner of the company and you are entitled to part of the company’s profits which is paid to you in the form of dividends. You should be well versed in the workings of the stock market and you should be able to justify your purchase of the stock. There are three kinds of investment processes. These are value investing, income investing and growth investing. The stock market is lucrative you invest in it with discipline and diligence.

Free Stock Market Tickers

A Stock Market Ticker is a running report of the prices and trading volume of securities which are traded on the various stock exchanges. A Stock Market Ticker is an up and down movement in the sale price of a particular security.

Financial Preferred Stock Sales

Financial Preferred Stock Sales is a unique type of financial stock which has characteristics which are markedly different from common stock. Like common stock, proceeds from Preferred Stock sales are recorded by the company in its book of accounts as equity or an ownership interest; for all practical purposes, however investors consider Preferred Stocks to be another type of debt security-specifically one which gives the investor a fixed return in the form of dividends on a quarterly basis rather than returns happening in six monthly periods similar to how bonds give.

Origins of the Stock Market

Kenya began dealing in shares in 1920’s when they were still a British colony. However there were no rules and regulations, no formal marketplace to administer the stock market activities. Trading was done on the basis of gentlemen’s agreement. During this time people engaged themselves in stock markets for side income.

Stock Market Repeat Trends

Stock markets would generally suffer during periods of a severe liquidity crisis, yet the American stock markets are still in relatively good shape today and ultimately ended with a positive overall performance for the year 2007-it does appear that is not speaking the truth about the so called liquidity problem .An intelligent investor will look for Stock Market Repeat Trends and decide what changes he needs to make in his investment pattern.

Brief History of Stock Market

Wall Street acquired its name way back in 1673. A brief peek in the history of stock market tells you that originally Wall Street was set up not for commerce but for defense purpose. It was the Dutch settlers who built this 12 feet wall fence to protect themselves from the attacks of the British and Native Americans.

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