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Can Knowing The Basics Of Bull and Bear Markets Keep Your Stock Trading Profitable?

Bear and Bull terms are used to refer to the varying conditions of the stock market. These are not words that refer to short term fluctuations. A bear market is usually known as one in which prices of important stocks have plummeted by 20 percent or more for at least two months. A bear market may still provide numbers that may increase for a time. The opposite of this market is the bull market. They are known for rising prices in key stocks for a period of time.

A Primer On Efficiency Of Financial Markets

When one inspects financial time series, it is obvious to recognize that the time evolution is unpredictable. Price of any financial product is essentially indistinguishable from a stochastic process. However, a quantitative understanding of financial market might be possible. The first attempt to understand has been done a long time ago, in 1900 by Bachelier. In his Ph.D., entitled “Théorie de la spéculation”, he dealed with the pricing of options in speculative markets, an activity that today is extremely important in financial markets where derivative securities – those whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying variables – are regularly traded on many different exchanges. To put Bachelier’s work into perspective, the Black & Scholes option pricing model – considered the milestone in option-pricing theory – was published in 1973, almost three-quarters of a century after the publication of his thesis. Moreover, theorists and practitioners are aware that the Black & Scholes model needs correction in its application, meaning that the problem of which stochastic process describes the changes in the logarithm of prices in a financial market is still an open one.

A Primer on Options Valuation

An option contract gives the holder the right (with no obligation) to buy or sell shares of a particular common security at a predetermined price (strike price) at or before a specific date (expiration date). The option contract is designed as a CALL option when the holder has the right to buy… and as a PUT option when the holder has the right to sell… The price paid for the option per share is called the premium.

A Primer on Bonds Valuation

A bond is a negotiable debt security under which the issuer borrows a given amount of money, called the principal amount. In exchange, the borrower agrees to pay fixed amounts of interests, also called the coupons, during a specific period of time. Everything is well defined by the bond contract: the coupon rate is the interest rate that the issuer pays to the bondholder and the coupon dates are the dates on which the coupons are paid. Besides the issuer will repay the total amount of the principal when the bond will reach what is called maturity (or maturity date). First, we can mention the most relevant point that makes bond so attractive, especially in gloomy periods for stock markets. Indeed, the regular payments of interests to bondholders makes bonds a good and safe investment: investors get fixed amounts of incomes and are repaid the principal value at maturity date. Bonds with maturity of one year or less are referred to as short-term bonds or debt…

Buy at Bear, Sell at Bull – Main Theme of Stock Trades

What usual mistakes all day traders are making while trading in stocks? The following insights may help you how efficiently to day trade & make some good profit from Stock Trading. I did it so can you do if you just follow the tips.

Secret Of Success In Stock Trading

You may be a long term stock trader, a position trader or a day trader. You cannot succeed in any trade style unless you are well informed.

Company Stocks And Trading Fundamentals

Why company shares are released for common people – a particular company sells stocks in order to raise funds for the expansion of company portfolio or to pay off debts. However, an individual who buys stocks from a company is considered as the stockbroker or shareholder. When company grows, stock value also increases in the same order.

What’s The Appeal Of Day Trading Stock Picks?

There has been a huge rise in the popularity of day trading stock picks, and there’s a simple reason for this – quick money! Let’s take a closer look.

Penny Stocks – A Great Way to Start Investing in Stocks and Make Money

I gave my daughter $250.00 to invest in the stock market and try to teach her a valuable lesson on responsible trading when she informed me that she had decided to invest in penny stocks. I had a few questions about them before I could tell my daughter “Good job” or “What were you thinking?”

Penny Stocks – A Few Things You Should Know About Them

I thought that giving my daughter some money to invest in the stock market would be a good lesson in responsible investing and money management. When I found out that she had invested in penny stocks, I did some research and learned a few things myself about penny stocks.

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