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How to Sell Credit Spreads – The Best Way of Building Wealth

One of the safest ways of trading options is to sell Credit Spreads, and is a significantly more reliable way of building wealth than any kind of stock trading. Any given trade, properly executed, has at least an 80% probability of returning a profit. This article shows you step by step how to sell a credit spread.

Financial Advisers – Wealth Influences

Brokers, and most advisers, are really fancy Wall Street names for salespeople. And, although “salesperson” is more appropriate than “broker” or “adviser,” I think there is an even more appropriate word to describe them (and it’s not a four letter word). They should be called “wealth influencer,” because that’s what they do. They influence your wealth-for better or for worse.

ITM Naked Puts

Selling ITM naked puts is a pretty risky strategy, but that does not always mean that it is a bad idea. If you ever sell an ITM naked put you should make sure of the following.

Time is Money – How to Get Really Really Rich

If you want to be rich like a banker, you have to use the strategies that banks use. They use leverage. Lots and lots of leverage. You can too.

The Neurology of Investing Part II – Getting The Critter Brain Out of the Picture

We left Part 1 of this article after talking about the differences between the critter brain and the human brain, and how beliefs coded in the critter brain can raise havoc with your investing behavior. It’s interesting to note that influencing belief systems may not be specifically about money. Other beliefs can get generalized and affect your attitude about money. If you would like to read the first article look for the same title but without the “Part II” in it.

Stock Market Trading Systems

Every stock trader has a system, even if they don’t stick to it all the time! However, employing a quality stock trading system (and sticking to it) will help you achieve trading success.

Stock Tips – Top Ways to Achieve Success

There are various ways to accomplish your goals of performing excellently in the world of stock market. Most of the stock tips may require you to look back to some basic procedures, though you need to recognize that the few fundamentals that you should have accomplished before may be the foremost reason why you struggle today. When you begin to carry out the most excellent stock tips, you’ll sure get out of the rat race in no time.

Unrealised Points to Keep in Mind While Investing in Stocks

Below is the best approach which I considered for investing or holding positions with stocks. Don’t follow advisory services. They are not infallible. Be cautious with brokers’ advice.

Does Scaling Out Work As an Exit Strategy?

Scaling Out is a type of Exit Strategy whereby you plan to exit your position in several planned increments as opposed to closing the entire position at once. Scaling Out is commonly thought to reduce losses and increase profits, but does it?

Electronic Stock Trading

Buying and selling stocks online has become very popular in the last decade and will continue to be a popular form of investment for years to come. Electronic stock trading is the actual process of trading stocks online with a brokerage account!

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