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Using Stock Research and Stock Analysis Services

No one will ever be successful trading another investor’s system so I urge eteach each and every member to develop their own system using our philosophy only as a foundation. This is how I developed my system, with a foundation using CANSLIM. I have tailored the system to my style of investing and have added and subtracted what works for me and I expect every member in MSW to do the same!

Stock Market Report That Wall Street Does Not Want You To Read

The best way to maximize your profits is to be prepared to give some back to the Stock Market. When most traders first hear this, they are a little taken back.

The Three Factor Model of the Stock Market: The Fama-French Three Factor model

Proponents of market efficiency divide risk into unsystematic and systematic. Unsystematic risk is not priced by everyone investing in the stock market. Here is an example to help you understand unsystematic risk.

The Capital Asset Pricing Model of Stock Investing (CAPM)

In 1990 Harry Markowitz, Merton Miller, and William Sharpe shared the first Nobel Prize in the very young area of financial economics. The Nobel committee recognized Harry Markowitz for developing portofolio theory, Miller for the theory of corporate finance, and Sharpe for the Capital Asset (stock market) Pricing Model also known as CAPM.

Life is a Hard Teacher: Failing to Have an Exit Strategy

Moral of the story as specifically related to the stock market: 1) Don’t buy more of a stock going down… you’re throwing money into what is likely a sinking ship. 2) Never buy so much stock that you can’t afford trade commissions…

SPX Rising Wedge

SPX short-term forecast.

I Bonds: Treasuries With An Inflationary Kicker

There must be a touch of inflation in the air, since a few clients have been calling with questions regarding I Bonds. With the low inflationary environment of late, there hasn’t been a lot of press concerning I Bonds. But since we don’t know what evil lurks around the economic corner, it may be time to review what these I Bonds are all about.

What Will 2006 Bring?

As the year comes to an end, you will see plenty of websites offering stock guidance for 2006 and what you should expect for years to come. This guide can be had for free if you buy this or subscribe on that or sign up for newsletters. This is just marketing gimmick. Sure, they have their use. But they want to get you back by offering you a set of stock guide every year. You only need one stock guide for your entire lifetime and I will give it to you for free.

What is a “Nemis Stock” ?

Every trader/investor has one particular stock that just drives him or her nuts.

Volatile Market Investing

It is easy to be complacent in a rising stock market. There is only one question they want answered and it is something like “What stock should I buy now?”

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