FEAR of Panic Selling | Option Chain Indicator

Penny Stocks – What They Are, and How You Can Make Money From Them

What is all the hype about penny stocks? Money. You can make a lot of money with penny stocks if you know what they are and how to use them. Understand the fundamentals of penny stocks and how to make them work for you.

Why Dividend Investors View Stocks Differently

Intuitively, you would think that everyone cares about the price of stocks that they own. After all, no one like to lose money, right? Who likes to see the market go down?

Buying Quality

How to buy quality? The need for quality can never be overemphasized in the world of investing. Th problem with us is that we are used to living a low quality life. If you want to increase the quality of your life as well as the quality of your investments then, read on!

Investments Demystified Part 3

I really hope you have been following this series, If investments and financial freedom mean anything to you then you should not miss any of them. I can bet that at the end of this series you will be thoroughly equiped to retire young and wealthy. read on!

Good Times on the Stock Market

You might read in the newspapers that the stock market is in a great turmoil right now and that investors are losing their shirts. Listening to the experts, it seems you should run away screaming and hide your money in your mattress. However, I think that would be a mistake, as now is a great time to invest your money in the stock market.

Rip Out the Rear View Mirror – A Trading Psychology

One of the most harmful actions traders can take is to live in the past and to constantly re-live negative trading experiences. In this article, I’m going to give you a simple mental exercise to help you focus forward and eliminate the past. Our analogy begins as if you are driving a car.

Investment Scams Continue to Lose People Money

Investors sit by their computers, new and experienced alike on a daily basis trading stocks online in the equity markets. You hear the words market maker and your knees go weak because you have heard that market makers manipulate the markets and your stocks! Well, this part is true in some respects but this is hardly the point of the article.

Taking a Gamble When Trading

Taking a gamble when trading is always fun, it satisfies your urges to strike it rich with one trade. Just remember to not over gamble. Keeping your gambling managed is something everyone needs to do.

5 Tips For Investing in the Stock Market – During Difficult Times

Stock market investing, particularly in turbulent economic times like we are facing today, can be an emotionally draining experience. It’s easy to get caught up in the wild day-to-day swings of the market, and lose your focus as an investor. It’s easy to give advice such as “invest for the long-run,” but the fact is, we live in the short-run.

How I Make Money From Stocks in a Falling Market

I have been making some great money from the stock market over the last few weeks. In this article i will explain my strategy and dissect how and why I have been making money despite global indices falling as the full effect of the credit crisis sinks in to the financial world. The media is absolutely full of doom and gloom about the worlds stock markets at the minute.

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