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The Investor Questionnaire

The investor questionnaire is an improvement over the oral submissions that the prospective investor makes before his broker or financial consultant. With the multiplicity of investment opportunities, a broker, when he has to give the correct advice to the investor about the disposition of his liquidity must have the clear picture about the investor’s financial position and inclinations on the investment scenario.

Stock Market Myths

When any renowned company goes bankrupt, resulting in huge losses to the investors, a feeling rises in the minds of the gullible investors, and they are in majority in the world of investment in the present times, that investing in shares is risky and is not worth the hassle. An issue becomes a hassle provided you do not approach it in a systematic and disciplined manner; all issues have appropriate solutions. Let us try to examine some of the stock market myths.

Identify Your Investment Goals

When you have the objectives of your investments before you, it is easy to identify the goals. Most of the brokers have a document called Investor Questionnaire. Not long ago, apart from the traditional investments in real estate and gold, the avenues for investments were limited like company shares and bank deposits.

Create an Online Stock Investing Portfolio

It would have been unheard of just twenty years ago when someone mentioned an online stock investing portfolio, much less a retail investor who was able to trade from the comfort of their homes. In both cases, there has been a large exodus from the myth straight to the realm of fact, as not only online investing a reality, the number of retail and casual investors have exploded since the past few years, with the numbers reaching almost monumental figures. This never seen before fact has led to many people realising the full power and potential of the internet not just as a sales platform.

How Stop Loss Orders Make Money

Stop loss order is an exit strategy. An investor places an order with a broker to buy or sell, once the share price reaches the specified level. This arrangement is designed to restrict an investor’s loss.

Different Perspectives of Investment Strategy

The number of computer-savvy investors is increasing day by day. As for brokers and financial consultants, internet has occupied the dominant position in their day to day functioning; one can even go to the extent of asserting that, no-internet, and no share trades!

A Stock Broker is a Torch Bearer For Your Trades

With the availability of internet facilities, an investor can trade through any exchange in any part of the world. With thousands of shares listed in the various stock exchanges, a regular investor can not afford to keep track of the market trends, fluctuating exchange rates, the political changes that affect trade and commerce etc.

Paper Trading Preparation For Real Trading

There are a number of Web sites out there that allow the prospective stock market trader to learn about stock trading through simulated transactions. Whether through the use of such Web services or simply by a person tracking “paper” buy/sell actions, this activity is generally referred to as paper trading.

Thinking About Buying Stocks?

Thinking about getting into stock investing? You have made a great choice! Now take the next step.

Why People Don’t Sell Options

Selling options can definitely be a profitable way to trade the market, yet many people do not trade them. The top two reasons for this are: 1. Option selling gives you a limited return.

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