Finally Made It – Proud To Be A Trader

3 Benefits of Dividend Stocks

It is no secret that dividend paying stocks are a very popular investment. And there is a good reason for that. There are 3 major benefits that you get any time you are investing in dividend paying stocks.

Stock Market Indexes 101

There are hundreds of “markets” out there so when we say “the market went up” do we know which one we mean? If not, here is a brief primer that has all the information you will need to get started right.

How to Read the Newspaper Stock Tables

Most of us have felt intimidated by the pages full of numbers that make up the “Financial Section” of newspapers but these pages contain a wealth of information to improve our stock market knowledge that is crucial to more successful investing. All we need is a short introduction to make us feel at home and here it is.

Investing For Beginners – Invest While There Are Good Opportunities – Free Stock Market Information

We work very hard everyday in order to pay the rent and the other current expenses of life. At the end of the year we have small savings that we invest in mutual funds or other plans in order to plan for the future. And then a recession! Our portfolio’s value decrease by 35 to 50% and you don’t have any control over this. You would like to manage your hard earned money and have control over your investment. Here is a good start to understand the stock market.

US Stocks Are Moving Up Slowly But Steadily

Investors were on a high after reports of re-employment and lesser job losses came pouring in. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also improved greatly with 119 points trading at 9375, just above its intraday highs of 9400 – a high point for 2009. American Express and J.P.Morgan also climbed up by 6% and 5% respectively.

US Jobs Lifts Asian Markets – A Ray of Hope

The global economy is facing a tough time of slowdown. Everywhere cutbacks and job loss are the buzzwords. The major impact to whole world came after the crush of the World’s biggest economy i.e. United States. With the mix results economies around the globe are fighting with recession. Some are recovering from the losses and damages and some find tough time ahead.

Stock Market Prediction

Stock market prediction is a difficult as well as a risky venture. Knowledgeable investors with solid financial background base their predictions on fundamental analysis or technical analysis and sometimes even both. But most laymen depend highly on the market tips given by the experts while exercising their stock market predictions through investments.

Stocks and Stock Market Analysis

Stock market analysis or stock analysis is a healthy way to keep a tab on a company’s fundamentals. Stock market is essentially a volatile market with unprecedented phases of highs and lows in which share prices might dip or rise phenomenally.

Myths in Stock Market

A lot of traditional investment strategies are followed by investors even today. The Stock Market crash of 2008 has forced the investors to rethink over those conventional strategies as many of them proved a failure in the 2008 crash.

Methods to Minimize Stock Market Stress

Being a trader/investor, you have to go through a lot of stress. The stress usually surrounds almost all investors. The emotional stress due to the loss in the Share Market, many investors have to suffer from sleepless nights and restlessness.

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